Search results

  1. G

    Best Game

    Best game imo is God of War series. Small fast and furious.
  2. G

    Need for Speed : The Saga Continues

    Need for speed is nothing compared to Burnout. U should all get it for ps2 it rox
  3. G

    Naruto - The Manga (Warning: Spoilers)

    In the manga Itachi is yet to be found i imagine how many years will we wait to see him fight for real in TV
  4. G

    The end of Naruto

    Naruto is getting worse and slower. Really a serie for 10 years old kids with no depth. In case u didnt notice in 300 episodes naruto has only 2 moves ( thats just great for the main character).
  5. G

    bleach movie?

    I hope the Bleach movie is not as bad as Naruto movies
  6. G

    History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi

    Does kenichi end when Thor and Kenichi fight is over? I have played the japanese game and the story anded when the fist syndicate was defeated. I hope for another season though.
  7. G


    Claymore Combines classic anime senario and caracters ( oldschool) and new grafics and animation thats what it makes it best.
  8. G

    More fillers...WTF!

    I think that the fillers will stop somewhere in the next episodes. Izen in gonna apear in 136 episode