Search results

  1. K

    Whats your favorite hobby?

    reading manga, watching anime, writing both work, novels, and rp's
  2. K

    Do you like your school/job?

    I am a free lance writer, it pays worse than any other job in the world. I make less some days than most people make in two hours of work. But I can work from home. I can do what I love to do which is write and thankfully i have someone else looking after the bills so I don't need to rush into...
  3. K

    Whats the story behind your username????

    Umm someone just took my actual name and turned it into Kya and since i'm learning japanese it became Kyachan.
  4. K

    Do you believe in ghosts?

    Believe in them and deal with them often. In fact, I actually have to ward my house against them following people in. No joke otherwise I get random people walking around my house.
  5. K

    Do you play an instrument?

    Clarinet, flute, bass clarinet, keyboard
  6. K

    How old are you guys?

    I'm 26 going on 27. this is actually the first time I've joined an forum like this and not been the oldest person in the forum. It feels weird.
  7. K

    Whats your favorite color?

    Mine is lavender. So much so that my ex actually called me Lavender as a nick name which is funny since it's longer than my actual name.
  8. K

    When do you go to bed?

    I go whenever I've relaxed enough after putting the kids to bed. sometimes it's late sometimes it's right after everyone else nods off.
  9. K


    Konnichiwa, I'm kya, new to the forum here. just wanted to say hi. Let everyone know I'm here and all that good stuff.