Recent content by Foreverava

  1. F

    immmmmm wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...

    immmmmm wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy boreddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd...
  2. F

    im like way way way soooooo bored haha

    im like way way way soooooo bored haha
  3. F

    im like way sooo bored

    im like way sooo bored
  4. F

    im like soooooo bored

    im like soooooo bored
  5. F

    im so bored

    im so bored
  6. F

    General Emmie would enjoy a good massage

    That Auto-Correct Thing is very Annoying. Anyways, as promised.
  7. F

    General Hosting Tips

    Concept 4: Fairness lies in deceit. However, the mask must be clean and innocent. What pours out from behind the mask should be honey like darkness, sweet, savory, slow, and totally notable. The Long Version of the Day post is like a assignment you have to hand in to be reviewed by your...
  8. F

    General Hosting Tips

    Concept 3: Continued~ The Above Player's who received their roles all lost or died at the end of the game. "What!? They are so OP'ED! How could they lose!?" You say. Nope. It's the 100% Truth. All the above player's who received those roles never got the chance to taste victory...
  9. F

    General Hosting Tips

    Concept 3: The Scales Will Tilt One Way or Another Whichever the way the game goes. No matter how equal in strength you made them in beginning, once the scales starts to tilt once the games have begun, you have no way to re-tilt it yourself unless you understand... Balance is an active...
  10. F

    General Hosting Tips

    Concept 2 Review: - Abilities is separated into 4 General States: 1. Kill. 2. Protection. 3. Investigation. 4. Voting. Systems multply the abilities from a simple 4 states to an infinite amount of possibility to what ability your players. Have Abilities affect each...
  11. F

    General Hosting Tips

    Ability Levels:
  12. F

    General Hosting Tips

    ~Continued of Concept 2~ Area System: Multi-Faction System:
  13. F

    General Hosting Tips

    Concept Two: Out to In; In to Out. Alas, once given, never gone; will you be able to forget this? Which way would you work? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1000 Ways to Die System...
  14. F

    General Hosting Tips

    Basic's Given By our Lovely Kero: Hosting For Dummies Yes folks, you saw it here first. My sad attempt at helping newbies how to host (DISCLAIMER: We are not affiliated in any way to the "For Dummies" series and am not making any profits.... apart from the increase in the quality of AGs)...