Recent content by kyoquadon

  1. K

    How much anime do you have?

    i have 1 complete series which i bought from a store
  2. K

    The strongest in naruto series?

    I still think Itachi is the best, compared to Naruto. Sure, he is gd, but Itachi is very powerful
  3. K

    Naruto or Bleach - Which is better?

    narutoz 4eva ~~~~
  4. K

    Bleach Dubbed

    its gd, but to me japanese originals would always be the best
  5. K

    First anime you ever saw.

    it would be sailormoon, but if u count the first anime i watched and i am actually interested and i understand it, it would be pokemon ><
  6. K

    Pokemon & Yu-Gi-Oh - Will they ever end?

    i suppose it is to keep up with the increasing number of pokemon and the increasing number of yu-gi-oh cards. lol oh well
  7. K

    Pluto Not a Planet!?

    pluto is not really a planet, coz it isnt what u would call round, its size is too small, and the possiblity of anything surviving or living on it is near impossible
  8. K

    FMA: Available

    Hi guyz, I am a new member here. Is it true that after it has een liscensed, it is no longer available in sub or dub form? I can't find it on the main site anyways. thnks
  9. K

    Top 5(or more) Anime/Manga

    1) FMA 2) Bleach 3) FMP 4) Naruto 5) Yu-gi-oh