General Hosting Tips

Through out this thread, I will give you hints, tips, and ideas on how to be an able host.
I will constantly bombard you with concepts; however, remember this, no concept is an absolute. A concept can be bent beyond recognition if you gain enough confidence from playing general games to figure it out.

However, the general tips you should take note of as it lessens your pain by a great amount.

Concept One: Creation is a privilege not a right. A joy which can be shared or a nightmare that will haunt you.

Don't let the joys and nightmare control you. Be prepared for the harshest criticisms from the harshest mouths; be prepared to shut your mind from the most beautiful of praises towards your work.
Not understanding Basics/Requirements will throw you in the deepest hells that will have no salvation.

Two Requirements that absolute: (a major flaw in one of these factors will give you an instant bad rep and you probably will never be allowed to host again:
1. You have proper English skills to be clearly understandable. (This is an English speaking forum; if it were any other language form, we would use that one, but this an English speaking forum, so that is what we will use. Obviously, You don't need a PhD in Literature to host.)

2. You have time to host. This is absolutely mandatory; if you don't have time to host DON'T Host. It will sap your energy, a waste of your time, and a waste of the player's time. We are here to play; the GM needs to be as active as humanly possible. If you put effort into it, an average player will be able to tell, which adds to your joy as a host to see your ideas come to fruition and the player's as well who has a clear understanding what your vision is.
Let's Begin then:

Tips for the General Host:
1. Keep track of roles you write on the forum. Then copy and paste that to a word document. (This is for the case that you like [RAINBOW]shiny[/RAINBOW] colors and use a lot codes to point out certain things in player's roles.

2. Pen(cil) and paper when sending out the roles. To avoid sending out one specialized role to two people (one of the worst mistakes you can make as a GM); as you send them out during each 60 seconds interval. Double check you written list on paper (cross the player's name or the role's out as you send them) You can also do this with the forum code with Preview Post or any word document. (You want to keep your focus on sending out the roles so I prefer not to get distracted with my alt+tabs)

3. Once game is up; keep 3 Word Documents open.

-One for Role Sheet (the one you wrote on forum as you can quickly copy and paste something without wasting time on the codes)

-Second for Player - Role Sheet. (The Master List of who is who in your game.) <If you got the latest MS Word than color will be able to help you differentiate the players> (This is because all black letters can be misleading; mod/super-mod name colors actually help a bit and prevent mistakes from happening)

-Third, Day's Events - Foot Notes + Long Version if you desire. (As in keeping track of "Chain of Events" <Who targets who with what ability and what will happen> etc, etc.)

4. If you like Long Versions (long), it best be advised that you start writing up 2 hours before time. (Note: If you think it's going to take longer; start earlier)

5. Keep Short Versions Concise and Clear. (Note: If you believe something isn't important even if someone did do it; don't include it. <For Me: I don't find a failed attack nor an investigation ability is worth mentioning in the short post>)

5.5 The Long Version is to enforce hints; why have a bunch of short versions to reiterate a hint? (besides, if you want people to read the long version, the better it is for you to keep the Short Version with the most explicit events that will not change no matter what happens)

6.General Sites:
For determining Roles:
For % ability:

7. Enforce PM Formats for your PM Hell.

8. Update your main post clearly as to what is happening. (Note: The Main Post is something that the player will check most to see what is happening to other player's and what is happening to the state of the game. The Clearer you make it, the better.)

9. Pen(cil) and Paper for counting votes; I actually don't suggest word unless you are comfortable doing it that way. I becomes simply very distracting when you keep alt+tapping away from the page.

10. GM NEVER miscount; DO NOT break this tradition in the Voting Thread.

11. Nuke Nuke Nuke Useless PM's to keep your inbox precise in PM HELL. (Note: You want it clean for keeping track of what is happening in the game. Questions should be gone by they time your start determining what the day's events is going to look like )

12. Try to give every player in your game an ability. (Note: Refer to the the lower concepts if you really can't think of anything to give players if you think it will make the game unbalanced.) <Remember to check kero's lovely Dictionary thread if you don't know what the 4 basic abilities you can give to people>

13. Refrain from over-reliance on Percentages as that merely inflates #12.

14. Any System can be used again by any GM; ideas are meant to be juggled around here, unless the GM specfically go: THIS IDEA IS MINE B****; NO BODY ELSE IS ALLOWED TO USE IT>

15. Clarify anything that you can possibly clarify (even if you think it is the most obvious of information) every bits of information possible to players when the game begins to avoid massive moaning from players who accuse you of Deux Ex Machina.

16. DO NOT succumb to bitching and moaning in your AG no matter how unfair the player makes it seem after the game started. Changing the system mechanics to suit their needs is not the way to go. (Note: Just look at it this way, they are screwed any ways; trying to appease them doesn't really help.)

17. The GM To-Do List everyday:
-Update your main player's list (Crossing out names/writing their role names beside it) once the day is completed. (Note: Remember to do this both the Voting thread and Discussion thread)

-Provide a Link back your Day's Posts.

-Remember to request title change. (Note: What Day it is, etc.)

-Remember to say: Voting is over. In the voting thread once the day ends.

-Reply to Questions and Ability results to certain players.

-After all is said and done. Don't forget to double check. I know you are probably exhausted after writing everything up, but this helps a lot.

18. (Frap's Suggestion) Nerfing are for fags, if you think someone you designed for your game is OP simply make the UP character's power level similar to the OP One. (Note: I will expend a little on this later)

19. Do not be afraid to take a system and improve on it. Being original is one thing, improving a system can prove a lot more worth while then coming up with a new one; however, bravely challenging a new philosophy is also encouraged.
Basic's Given By our Lovely Kero:

Hosting For Dummies

Yes folks, you saw it here first. My sad attempt at helping newbies how to host (DISCLAIMER: We are not affiliated in any way to the "For Dummies" series and am not making any profits.... apart from the increase in the quality of AGs)

Getting Started
By now, you wannabe newbie Hosts are excited and want to host as soon as you finish your first AG.

Lesson 1: Meet the rules and understand them.

Pay special attention to the BOLDED rules. These apply to all Hosts. Even first time Hosts. No special treatment whatsoever.
Rule #6 is a way to protect Hosts in the case that some Stupido decides to be a jerk and ruin things. YOU CAN KILL THEM OFF

Lesson 2: Play at least 3 AGs before actually applying for Hosting.

Seriously. Not properly understanding the point of view of the Player is like damning the game you plan to host.
The Players are the guys who make the game good or bad, they are a vocal lot when talked to and they do have points to consider for people planning host. Listen to them when they complain of the OPed-ness or imbalance.
Oh yeah. I forgot to add that it is COMPULSORY to do so. You can apply for Hosting, but you will be forced to the bottom of the list because of your newbish-ness

Lesson 3: Refer to the Review Thread and PAY ATTENTION.

This is what you will be rated on. Keep those in mind. Burn it into your mind. Granted those words are like another language cause they're BIG words. But essentially, what you will need is:

Balance (Are one faction stronger than the other, are characters OPed, etc)

Execution (How did you run the game? A tight ship or did you let loose and let the spammers rule the place)

Intrigue (Mystery.... I can't really explain. Sorry. Not my strong point. But usually deals with Day Postings and how awesome you made it.)

System & Mechanics (Your rules, setting up of abilities, Factions, et al.)

Surprise/Twists (The adding of special Bonus Days, random prizes, Secret factions and characters that get uncovered at certain days, etc.)
Concept Two: Out to In; In to Out. Alas, once given, never gone; will you be able to forget this? Which way would you work?

"A theme! A theme!" you cry, "I have a theme!"
Will you interpret the story of your theme into the Assassin Game or perhaps you want a concept from that game to be brought into fruition?

Let's start with concept to theme then. (In to Out)

I can give a multitude of examples of what happens when a GM wants something to happen and how he/she force that something to happen no matter happens, but you are going to understand the most fundamental thought process into making a complex Assassin Game. (note the emphasis on complex; if you are doing a simple game, only the most best ideas need to be present, and what will determine the quality of your game is the players in your game.)

Focus For Now: Specific Abilities

Depth of the player's body:

The Player. A player can be a body, a tool, a instigator of your imagination, and much more. These are all the thoughts that had been used and will be partially explained, I will refer to the "Dead Game Section" often for examples.

Life Points System:
Vitality System: Origins: Magic: The Gathering, Salvation AG):


In other words the amount of Lifepoints you have in the game.

Every single Player will start off the game with an X Amount of lifepoints. (You determine, but pay attention to the notes) You die when your LP hits the Big Fat Zero.

1. It is always shown in the GM'S First post of how much LP each person has and if it changes, I will also apply the changes at the end of the day. I have thought about it for a while, and decided that it be more interesting if you can see who is doing what to whom. (Example: See Sign-up list)

The answer is: No! Unless you failed your elementary addition and subtraction class, you will do fine. I hope...

3. If your role's ability is something like:

Ability: Pay 5 Life, Kill target Player of your choice.
If you DON'T have 5 life to pay (say you are at 4 LP), you CAN'T use that ability.
4. But Frap! Won't it get very stupid if this is a game about numbers?
Kill abilities are STILL in the game. (They will kill regardless of how much LP a player has.)
Note: This ability is to add a level of depth to the game where as it is to give more player's ability that can use without feeling useless.

1. Understand that real kill ability are still in the game. (People will die no matter what life points they are at; of course, lynching is one of these kills)

2. Please remember to balance it so the ability is actually useful and not pointless where people depends on kill abilities in the end.

3. Keep Life Points visible on the Main post as the point of the Vitality system is to add a extra level of "facts" that can manipulated to any player's advantage.


1000 Ways to Die System:
Death: (Origins: Resident Evil Assassin Game)

There are three types of death in this game:

Un-resurrect-able Death (The Corpse is mutilated beyond recognition or what not.)

Resurrect-able Death. (By Viruses or otherwise.)

Incapacitation. The most common form of Death in this game. You are not allowed to post or vote when in
this condition. If you are not saved by the next day, you will be announced dead.)


Expended on: (Durarara! Assassin Game)
4. Abilities

- Pain chain: Alive>Hospitalized>Incapacitation>Death

Hospitalized makes you unable to use abilities unless otherwise stated. Voting is allowed. You get better
the day after Hospitalization

Incapacitation is one step away from death and you cannot vote or use any abilities. You die the next day if nobody helps you.

- Chance abilities will be calculated with a randomizer
1. This is another way to expend your kill ability list to extremes.

2. This also adds a back-up system that includes healers and saviors for people that are getting killed.

3. Hospitalization is simply a harsher stun with a catch.


The "Extra" Body Systems:
Knightmare Frames (Origins: Code Geass Game)

Although not a central system, people with Frames get protection from certain abilities and that their Frames could be destroyed first before they get killed.


Divinity Counter System (Magic The Gathering, Kamigawa)

Divinity Counters: There will be things called Divinity Counters that grants the ability for you to be saved
from either a lynch or a night kill.


Mobile Suit System (Gundam 00 S1 Game) <An expansion on Frames system, but far from perfect.>

A. Mobile Suits and Pilots

1. Mobile Suit Pilots-- Pilot characters have a chance to get a mobile suit specified for their factions or description.

2. You need to destroy the mobile suits 1st before you can kill the pilot. Except if you can kill them both at the same time. Certain skills allows this..

2. Mobile suits come with different abilities.

3. Damaged mobile suits won’t be able to see action for a day.

4. Even if mobile suit is destroyed, there is a chance that the pilot survived the attack. Only specified characters can kill a mobile suit pilot with his/her mobile suit.

5. You can’t replace a damaged mobile suit with new ones.

6. Issuing/creating mobile suits- All specified faction characters have the ability to issue their pilots
Issuing/creating mobile suits takes 1 day per pilot. Original Gundams can only be issued twice.

7. If you attack a damaged mobile suit it will be destroyed and it gives you a better chance to kill the pilot
with it.

8. Mobile Suits are divided into types. Attacker, Hybrid, Defender, Support and Multi Purpose.
Attacker- Can attack mobile suits to damage or to destroy them. Affected by percentage rate. Example Atk rate/dodge rate=success rate.
Defender- Defends allied mobile suits from attacks. However. They can’t attack
Support- supports allied MS. Either be offensive or defensive. They provide tactical support to allies.
Hybrid- Can do 2 things at same time. Attacker and support, defender and support. Natural Counter Attackers
Multipurpose- Can defend and attack. Many Multipurpose MS are counter attackers.
If an MS has a skill that can certainly destroy an MS, dodge rate is nullified


Body/Soul System (Halloween AG)

Soul Rules:

1. If your body is destroyed you will not be allowed to vote.(Note: Even if you still vote, your vote will not
be counted.)

2. You can still post in the discussion thread.

3. If you see a person on the list is with a body but without a soul, you can possess the body, and I will
sent you, his or her's ability, but your Victory Condition is still the same.

4. If your soul is destroyed, it will be in the color of white.

5. Once you Possess another player, you are still allowed to post in the discussion thread, but your vote in
the Voting Thread will not be counted. (Note: The Three Day rules no longer Applies to you.)

6. Just because a player starts a game without a body does not mean he or she is evil.
Body Rules:

1. If your body is destroyed your name on the list will get a line.

2. If soul is gone, but your body remains, you are not allowed to post in the discussion thread nor are you
allowed to vote.

3. If no one possesses your body within 24 Hours you will turn into a Zombie.

4. Once your body is possessed by another player, you are not allowed to post in the discussion thread, but you can still vote.

5. A Zombie Cannot be Possessed. The Above rules from 2-3 is void for a Zombie.
Without a body or without a soul:
You are not allowed to use your abilities if you lack either/or (unless specified otherwise)

1. Ignore Possession/Attacker,Defensive,etc, etc/abilities they apply only to that concept to that game. (Note: You should look if you are curious how these systems tie to the systems in that particular game.)

2. Tie Actively Used Abilities to an extra type of body you wish to add to a player's body. (Note: Make it important if you add these type of systems; a concept added to any game should be important. Make people pay if they lose their extra "bodies")

3. Note that the 1000 Way to Die System actually hasn't been tied to the Extra Bodies System; as to not to make things too douche for players to keep track of. (Note: A daring attempt as a test will be appreciated)

~Continued of Concept 2~

Area System:

Area Sheet: (Origins: Fairy Tale AG)

Area Rules:
- Sometime during the day, you must send me a pm that will tell me which area you want to enter. If you do not send me an area, you will stay in your current area.
- Areas can have special rules applied to them, just like the anime. You will not know until the next day starts, unless the special rule is a permanent rule.
- Areas may relate to abilities, as in some abilities will not be allowed to be used on people outside your area. Your ability will clearly reflect this, if you do have this limit.
- You can only move to adjacent areas from your current location unless otherwise said.
1. The system saw a bit of use in the AG that it was presented; it's possibility of being integrated to a core theme of any AG is massive.

2. As the idea is far from perfect, imo, the area's effects should be dynamic in how it affects the player over-all.

3. Remember that time is limited in RL time frames as "map" should not be too big as the players probably won't have enough time to "explore" these "locations" that you have created.

Multi-Faction System:

Rules:(Origins: Code Geass AG)
1. Zero is just a symbol, the mask will be randomly given to a player as a secondary role (to be fair, I asked my hubby to randomly choose one of you)(yes, I did it again)
2. If Zero dies or the Zero Knights are wiped out, the world attains a normal victory (the war may go on if you choose so)
3. If there are more members of the Zero Knights than others, Zero Knights attain a normal victory
4. A supreme Victory may be achieved, where only the members of a given faction are considered winners; to achieve it, the conditions must be fulfilled BEFORE Zero dies
5. If only one faction and Ashford remain, that faction gains Supreme Victory
6. If only Ashford remains, they are the Supreme Victors (yes, judging from the previous game, it is possible)
7. If Ashford academy is wiped out, meaning - only one student remains, it’s game over. So care is especially required during this game; killing Ashford Academy students is penalised in most cases, and if a student dies, Zero will be angry
8. If Zero dies, the players may choose to play on according to the conditions of their Supreme Victory, but it will not count anymore
9. There are several ways people can die
10. Everyday everyone debates on the possible identity of the Zero Knights and then votes, and the person with a majority of votes dies; blank votes do not count toward the final result; in case of ties, no one dies.
11. If you're signing up, be sure to log in and vote every other day, at the very least. Anyone inactive for three days will be killed.
12. You may mention your secret role in the thread. However, whether people believe you or not, is another case...
13. Majority towards a kill does not include people who didn't vote. Only half votes of people who voted are necessary.
14. Everyone is given an identity. You must act accordingly - instructions and further details are in your inboxes. There are no public identities.
15. Roles will be revealed upon death.
16. Posting screenshots of your role is banned
17. Publicly gathering people’s roles is discouraged. This is not what the game is about. You will fail anyway.
18. Once you die you MAY NOT post any more in the assassin game thread or any related thread, and are forbidden to discuss the game in public in other threads. If you do you are banned from playing in the next assassin game (meaning you will have to wait until the game after that before you can play again).
19. To destroy a faction, you don't need to kill all the members. In most cases it's enough to kill the leader, but care, it won't be easy.
1. How the Code Geass Assassin Game played out is key to understanding how this system works, a review should be done before attempting to use this system. (Note: People were relatively still new when they started playing the games)

2. Role Protection is ABSOLUTELY VITAL in this system. Any abilities that instantly discovers an entire faction (aka: Faction Leaders) is a detriment to this system.

3. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Note the role of the Ashfordian in this game. They are a triple layered protection against Role Gatherer which makes the game end instantly and also interest in your game falls.

-They can switch factions as they please.

-The main villian in this AG is in this faction.

-When they are mostly gone, everybody lose.

4. You need a role protection system if you want to make this a core part of your AG.

5. The final layer of protection: The Chinese Federation. (Note: Who comes into play as a twist: A New Unknown Faction)

6. Having Faction leaders is necessary, but due to how this system have been used lately, nobody cares for UV (Ultimate Victory) anymore. All faction leaders can and will attempt to contact each other in the first day and you AG is no longer worth playing anymore. (Reason: Almost all the roles are known depending how you distributed the roles to your faction leaders.)
Ability Levels:

Zombie Classes: (Origins: Resident Evil AG)
As Classes of B.O.W. go up they will get harder and harder and harder to kill.

Normal Class

Medium Class

Ultra Class


Classes of Abilities (Magic The Gathering AG)

There will be three:

False God



A Mortal class ability will not affect a Planeswalker or False God class roles. A Planeswalker class ability will not affect a False God class roles. A Mortal Class ability will affect a mortal class role, A Planswalker Class ability will affect a Planeswalker/Mortal Class roles, and a False God can affect everybody in the game. Becoming an Planswalker will require a lot of hard work that is if you can find the sylex.


Magic Information: (Fairy Tale AG)

Magic Types:
General, Fire, Ice, Air, Earth/Stone, Celestial, Physical, Steel, Beast/Transformation, Darkness, Lighting, Control/Voodoo, Unknown, Water, Dragon-Slayer.

Magic Classes:
Level 1 - Dragon-Slayer, Control/Voodoo, Unknown, Celestial & Beast/Transformation
Level 2 - General, Fire, Ice, Air, Earth/Stone, Physical, Steel, Darkness, Lighting & Water

Note: If a user uses a Level 2 spell against a Level 1 spell, Level 1 will over-power it.

Magic Relationships:

*Note: The first type is strong against the following player types -
Fire - Ice
Water - Earth/Stone, Fire
Air - Physical
Earth/Stone - Fire
Lighting - Darkness
Darkness - Lighting
Ice - Earth/Stone
Steel - Air
Physical - None
General - None
Everything - General

Note: This only affects LP attacks. Also, Level 1 Magic has no weaknesses or strengths.
1. This is an easy system to use and can increase your ability range (Note: How you distribute Abilities to roles) that you give to your players easily.

2. Provide "upgrade" ability levels under special abilities or special events that might trigger in your game.

3. You can give 3 different players abilities that does exactly the same thing but all with different levels. Ability Layers is achieved simply like so.

Concept 2 Review:

- Abilities is separated into 4 General States:

1. Kill.

2. Protection.

3. Investigation.

4. Voting.

Systems multply the abilities from a simple 4 states to an infinite amount of possibility to what ability your players.

Have Abilities affect each other. Protections can mean role protection/Lynch Protection/Investigation Protectsion. Kill can become a Lynch effective (ie. If you kill someone your vote count is increased by X amount.) / Investigation can obviously reveal an affect in the game, an ability, a role, who is screwing with the votes and etc & etc.

Something as mixing two abilities into one can morph something simple to something ultimately unique and intriguing for your players to explore.

Simply, give your player's something to do in your game. To morph, mulitply, mix is to increase the layers of your game for your player's to deduct and more importantly as already mentioned, giving them a purpose in the game.

Concept 2: I don't get IN to OUT or OUT to IN.

Do you want work with One Specific Factor in your game?

1. You want to make killing your game the grand and intriguing point of your game.
2. You want every single investigation ability used to become the meaning of life and death in your game.

There's a theme or factor or system (IN) that you are really excited to and want to execute in your game. This is called working in to out. Usually how this works is a Web with one circle (a theme/factor), to a multitude of other circles that connects and affects each other. This style requires a lot more detailed work from you.

Simply, imagine this: You finished your game and its currently under way. You web of events from working in to out leads out in two directions.

Something stupid happens (IT WILL HAPPEN), your first path of chain of events is cut off due to the death of an important character. All your work for that path? Done for Nothing. Your web of events and factors have to be concise and controlled and most importantly multi-pathed (make it so that anything can happen and imagines all the possibilities from starting from the core and work outwards) Do not confine it to one or two paths; this spells extreme danger for your game if suddenly something you did not forsee happens.

Out to In:

1. I want 30 Players. 6-7 Bad Guys. 15-20 Good Guys. 3-7 Neutrals. 10 Kill abilities. 10 Investigation abilities. 10 Protection abilities. I will use the Life Point System to multiply the ability count.

2. I want 40 Players. I have a System that reward players with any type of abilities right from the start.

In terms of management, Out to In, easily wins points for being less-faggy about anal retentively setting up certain events (factors) to trigger. Events trigger because you are interested in the reaction of the people playing. They trigger because you officially announce right from the start that they will happen.


Most Importantly, working either way gives you a foothold on HOW you want to start because if you spent enough effort into it, you will start realizing that the final stages of finishing up your game is very similar. (Note: Minor Balance/etc.)


Next Chapter: Balance.

Concept 3: The Scales Will Tilt One Way or Another Whichever the way the game goes. No matter how equal in strength you made them in beginning, once the scales starts to tilt once the games have begun, you have no way to re-tilt it yourself unless you understand...

Balance is an active beast; it doesn't rest nor does it forgive if you just forget the one chain that holds the beast at bay from total Power.

Example Roles From Past - End Game:

Remove, Kill, Invinicible. You name it; I got it.

Role: Mutated Albert Wesker
Allegiance: Umbrella Corporation/Tri-cell

Class: Ultra (For reference Highest)

Active Ability(s):

Special Class:

Dark Tenticle: Incapacitate a player of your choice.

Tenticle Tornado: Block all attacks with a 50% chance, if successful you will remove all the player's active abilities.

Passive Ability (s):

Inhuman Speed and Strength: You will not be affected by Gun Class abilities. It will take 4-Combinations hit/stuns to kill you; You can now use 2 abilities a day.

Degenerating Cells: If you do not incapacitate someone everyday, you will lose any ability randomly.

Action: You must make fun of S.T.A.R.S. members and you must also sound superior to other players.

Victory Conditions:

You will win if:

A: You find all five colour Keys.


B: All S.T.A.R.S. Members have been killed.


GameMaster’s Hint: Use the Hand-Cannon wisely.
Role: Red Queen
Allegiance: None.

Ability (S):

Special Class

Hive information:

These Players Hold the Keys

Agitator Majini
Dr. Salvador

Passive Ability (S)

Hologram: You can ONLY be killed by one ability in this game, all other abilities (including Town Lynch) is completely ineffective against you.

Victory Conditions:

You will win when ALL Zombies are dead; however, you will lose if a team finds all five keys before all the Zombies have been killed. You will also lose if all S.T.A.R.S. members are killed.

Action: All your posts must be in Quotation style.

GameMaster’s Hint: An old traitor to the original S.T.A.R.S. team is in play.

Role: Yawgmoth, The Lord of Darkness
Allegiance: Yawgmoth's Legions

Class: False God (For Reference: The Strongest)

Ability (s):

Pure Dark Essense: Kill a player of your choice that will be pm’ed to me. (Note: Protection Against Black will not work against this ability)

Black Call: Remove all passive abilities target player has.

Black Ability Bonus: Pure Dark Essense becomes Unblockable regardless of any protection abilities

Passive Ability (s):

Deus Ex Machina: You are not allowed to hold an artifact (Note: Meaning that artifacts used against will automatically be destoryed.)

All Consuming Darkness: You are immune to all abilities in the game. (Note: Only two things in this game will affect you, however, the likelihood of your enemies getting those abilities are extremely rare.)

All Seeing Eye: (Partner's in the game)

Artifact:Predator, Flagship
Laser Canon: Deal 10 Damage to a target Player of your choice.

Red Ability Bonus: Deal 10 Damage to two players of your choice.

Concentration Laser Barrage: Deal an unlimited (Note: PM me the amount of damage you want to do) amount of damage to target player of your choice. If you kill the player this way, this ability can never be used again.

Red Ability Bonus: Deal an unlimited amount of damage to two players of your choice. If you kill the players this way, this ability can never be used again. (Note: If you can't use the original ability, you can't use the bonus one as well.)
Posting Requirement:

You must mention the word, "My Beloved" everytime you post.

GameMaster's Hint: It is obvious what your weakness is
Role: Karona, False God.
Allegiance: Karona

Class: False God (For Reference: Strongest)


Omnipotence: You can use all the abilities in the game, that is, if you can tell what the ability name is, and the exact description of what it does.

Passive Ability(s)

Holy Aura: You cannot be lynched.

Special Condition:

If a player called, Kamahl, Fist of Krosa attacks you with his ability, your Victory condition will change and you might just become another person entirely.

Victory Condition:

You win when you name me a list of 50 Abilities that are in this game. (Passive Ability(s) count too).
Ah yes, the single most powerful role ever to exist; forgive me if you were carrying extra Items, but I think I don't need to mention that you were actually carrying more items. LoL~

Role: Savior, Medicine Seller. (Mononoke)
Alliance: The Lost

Charms (Character Only):
Barrier: Protect target player from Soul killing abilities for the day.

Seal: Cancel target player's ability he or she used for the day.
Taima Sword (Character Only):
Makoto: Target player's origins will be known to you.

Kotowari: Target player's Goal will be known to you.

Unsheathe: You can only use this ability once you know target player's Katachi (Name), Makoto (Origins), & Kotowari (Goal). Kill that target player of your choice. (Body/Soul will both be killed) This ability is unblockable. You are invincible when you use this ability. (Note: You will not die during that day you use this ability no matter what.)
Ward: (3 uses only) Protect target player from body kills for the day.
Scale of the World:
Ring: Everyday, the player who holds this item will get a personal pm from me of another player's role that is randomly chosen from a list of the player's that is of The Damned alliance. (Note: You will get both the player and role name.)
The Savior:
The Player who holds this item is:

Legs of the Savior: Immune to the Lynch

Eyes of the Savior: Immune to all the abilities in the game. (Note: Support abilities also will not work on you.

Arms of the Savior: Will be allowed to use all his or abilities twice. (Note: Items Included)

Head of the Savior: Will able to pick target player and make that player attain a Individual Victory.
Passive Ability(s):

Exorcist Soul: You are immue to Soul killing abilities.

Spirit "Works": (1 use only): If a kill ability is used on you (it doesn't matter whether it targets your body or your soul), it will cancel all ability that targets you

that day. (Note: Lynch on you will be canceled as well)


You must destroy all The Damned Souls.


Talk about Japanese Mythology of horror.

Unlimited Revivial Abilities with only Delay.

Dark Sage Harpuia

Alliance: Baddies

Ability (s):

[Instant] [RAINBOW]Special[/RAINBOW] – Sinister Winds: On any odd day, you can revive a player of your choice.
[Instant] [RAINBOW]Special[/RAINBOW] – Sonic Boom Barrage: (Note: The Passive Ability: Armed Phenomenon must be fulfilled in order for you to use this ability, otherwise, it does not work.) Incapacitate a player of your choice.
Passive Ability (s):

[RAINBOW]Special[/RAINBOW] – Armed Phenomenon: It will take the combination of two abilities (and/or lynch) to kill you. If only one kill ability is used (or one lynch is on you at the end of the day) then you will not die, but gain the Sonic Boom Barrage ability. (Note: In other words, Kill + Kill or Kill + Lynch are the likely abilities that will kill you unless you get removed or otherwise.)
Light Sage Harpuia

Alliance: Goodies

Ability (s):

[Instant] [RAINBOW]Special[/RAINBOW] – Glorious Twister: On every even day, you can revive target player of your choice.
[Instant] Kill – Lightning Barrage: (Note: The Passive Ability: Armed Phenomenon must be fulfilled in order for you to use this ability, otherwise, it does not work.) Incapacitate a player of your choice.
Passive Ability (s):

[RAINBOW]Special[/RAINBOW] – Armed Phenomenon: It will take the combination of two abilities (and/or lynch) to kill you. If only one kill ability is used (or one lynch is on you at the end of the day) then you will not die, but gain the Sonic Boom Barrage ability. (Note: In other words, Kill + Kill or Kill + Lynch are the likely abilities that will kill you unless you get removed or otherwise.)
Concept 3: Continued~

The Above Player's who received their roles all lost or died at the end of the game.

"What!? They are so OP'ED! How could they lose!?" You say. Nope. It's the 100% Truth. All the above player's who received those roles never got the chance to taste victory.

You want to know my Balance Secret?

Here, I will share, Come Close and Listen:

I spent the least amount of time balancing roles when I make all of them. To re-phrase, I spend close to no time on Balance.

Not to hound a new host mind you about how I personally do this, but the trick is so simple, it's laughable. Let's start this way then:

Leason #1:

The first AG made set-up was like this - See if you can find what is wrong when you compare it one of the most obvious mistakes a new host yourself might make:

Original Cult: 20 Players - 15 Good Guys. 5 Bad Guys.

Random New Game: 50 Players - 45 Not Bad Guys. 5 Bad Guys.

Answer: 15% Difference in Balance Levels. Random New Game has Baddies working twice (and a half) more than the original game which is the classic example of simple balancing.

Leason #2:

Ok. This is the deal. No matter what system you are using, no matter what kind of abilities you have in your new game that you just made.

If your assassins does not have the ability to kill every single day (100% / Ignoring the fact that it might get stunned or protected) than you don't have assassins. What you have is a game where the most vital component of your game is missing. What's that?

Assassins kill People. I hope this Leason wasn't hard to understand.

Leason #3:

Where there is an action there must be a re-action. The re-action can be chained together.

If there is something strong in your game don't just go: "Oh, let's nerf it."

No. The reaction should be, "Let me add a few components to different roles to combat against that." An AG'er would love nothing more than combating a role stronger than his or hers with wit and chance at guessing what those things you included might be.

Think COUNTER! not DELETE! (aka: Nerf)

Leason #4:

War Game. You don't want that.

Role Protection - Important.

2ndary Roles.

Weave Lies into your own posts. (Note: I know this might seem rather difficult if it is your first time hosting, but really, your system that you made should back you up when you do this. )

Have Investigation abilities that reports lies. Have abilities that negate Investigation.

Important Note: Having A List of Trusted players is the Assassin's Advantage. Please. PLEASE don't give it off-handedly to entire factions.

Might edit more - That's the important notes for now.

Next Section - Long Posts (Possibly Hints)

Concept 4: Fairness lies in deceit. However, the mask must be clean and innocent. What pours out from behind the mask should be honey like darkness, sweet, savory, slow, and totally notable.

The Long Version of the Day post is like a assignment you have to hand in to be reviewed by your peers everyday, on the same hour.

Alright, so, the long version of your day posts.

General Rules:

1. Fairly on time. /Derp, but seriously. (Plan Ahead)
2. Regardless of style, make it clean and mostly precise on the events.
3. Try to include all events. (It will get crazy once ALL the things you planned come into play.)
Chain of Thoughts: (Important)

He/she/her/him/that thing/this him/the thing/etc, gets real painful to write after awhile. To use player names or role names or no names is the clear deciding factor between just plain bad day post to those "omfg, I fucking see it!" brilliance.
Regardless of the three type you use, think carefully about your players actions and if you are making it much too obvious of what happens.

A description for anything should be similar but not exactly the same everyday. But why you say? Investigation abilities are in the game for a reason, if the day post contains 20 of the same things everyday, its like having 20 Investigation abilities in the game. People without investigation abilities are the ones brewing the pots for your deceit soup; it gets real tasteless if there is nothing more to figure out.

Music and Images may be used to enhance your gamers experience to the table, but take care a bit on placing them into the posts.

Using colors and fonts to emphasize a point is also recommended. No, it is seriously recommended.

Two Basic Styles:

Long, Long Version:
The story style main goal is this: Build up.
The dramatic structure falls back on the beauty of the rising action, the climax, falling action, and epilogue.

Remember all those times you bitch to your teacher that when he/she said you can do whatever you want, you draw a big blank in your head as you stare at the piece of paper? Well, the story version is the exact opposite of that you bitch to your peers because you are not allowed to write the story you want to write; you have to write the story of what happened.

No. The Hero Won't save the princess.
No. The Lying Bastard doesn't get whats coming to him.
No. The bad-ass doesn't get his bad-ass fight.

The players decides what happens and it is your job to deliver.

It is not just used for a complicated style; the original Assassin Game can be done in this fashion and a good writer can make it epic. Brew the intrigue, interest, deceit, and lies. How?

0. Start small and go big.
1. Make the characters and plot evolve as the game sucks your player in the frenzy of their play.
2. It is fair to write about setting. No Atmosphere. No Mood. No no.
3. Avoid convolution. Save those 100 Page Epics for another time. 2-3 Sentence max on "the feeling of it all."
4. Highly recommended that you start EARLY on this style.
5. More space to add description to what exactly happened, but it does mean it will be easier for the player to figure out.

Businessmen Style:

Clear and to the point. They want their coke from the vending machine. They want their pizza on their doorstep after ten minutes they ordered it.
We go two ways, 2-3 Paragraph long versions that mostly include the kills in the game only or we split the events up into a clear and concise fashion. (Up to 10-20 Events. <Marking each event separated from each other>)

1. Less Time. Care, it does not mean easier as you will need to make sure things are working right.
2. Clarity and Cleanliness allows for less review and faster action in your discussion thread. Faster does not mean more.
3. Check Kero_69's and Geoff's Games in the Dead AG Section for examples.
4. We describe and then we move on. Don't linger unless it is the end.

These are some basic styles. One is not better than the other. It is what you are good at that makes these results, at the end of the day, worth it for the player. Try both out when you are making a game. Who knows, the unexpected might happen.

The range on how this could be done is endless. The way to represent media in a entertaining fashion is ultimately your job at the end of the day whether you prefer the fast-paced life of the images or the succulent melting melodies of music, remember: It is all about those damned results.


Next Section: The Abyss, or more commonly known as Maintenance.