How Was Your Valentine's Day?


2D Complex.
strange, I did not see a single chocolate, card, flower, or some sort of red/pinkish material that correlates with that holiday on my campus today.

other than that school and a case of the munchies I had to get rid of. not bad at all!


Well to add on to what I said, I just recieved all the Spam email about Valentine's Day. The Spamming Corperations are getting slow these days :eek:
Pretty much a normal day, but I was talking more, as well as me flirting a little bit. Though this person I liked who I somewhat gave a rose too, smiled when around me or looking at me or whenever there was a hint of contact between us. >.< So sort of confusing, and my friend kept nudging me to go and talk to the person I liked. o_O
I was just taking it easy, laughing at how my friends were nervous about giving chocolates the the girls they liked. Apart from that it was a normal day, but the corniness of highschool girls giving chocolates makes me think.