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  • .. Crazy. :/ I guess it's good for when we're old though. Lol. Tax pays for our living.
    The roll ones look similar to Jap sushi, but are sliced thinner, and have diff filling. I think the seaweed is thinner too.
    .. fuuuuuuu.
    But that's not posting. XD

    I think mine's now around 2 and a half months? I finish in late Nov, and start beginning March.

    I think it does get humid, but because we're mot smoggy and all, it's not suffocating humidity, even when it's high.
    Tootsie pops? wut?

    Both! XD
    .. what else? :/ I don't play any online games.

    Depends who's playing. :/
    All the CDs were given to me by my friends who came back from China or Korea. I've only bought the DVDs and photobooks. Yes, photobooks. Books with photos. Like .. pictorials?

    Kekeke .. I should teach you something embarrassing, and tell you it means something else. =D
    That describes shoes perfectly, but they're still popular. Lol.

    Off the top of my head I can make a turtle. Can't remember anything else because I haven't done it in so long. I can most likely make a crane and rose too, if I bothered to remember.

    Though surprisingly, a lot of people still ride bikes.

    Aaaah I bought food in the city today. Korean rice and bubble tea. MMMMMMMM.
    My sis suggested just eating the chocolate in the log, but then I said that the choc would probably still taste a bit like the black licorice. XD
    We only see the Goods and Services Tax. I guess that covers it all. Frickin' 15% tax on everything. >_>
    Find. Lol. Though I dunno .. I kinda feel more like Korean sushi. :/

    Stupid backfiring thing. :/
    Too hard to post on two forums. Lol.

    Yep. XD Though not nearly as long as summer break.

    Um .. I think usually the high is 27-28C in summer. It is humid, but not like, sweating after you've just had a shower. XD
    Ate all the other cake last night. Hum. :/

    We have a lot of Asians though. XD
    Not really. :/ I could use more than a GB if I was allowed ...

    ..They're still fox-like. I have bad memories of them being over-used on MF.
    Um .. 2 concert DVDs, a photobook+DVD, a concert photobook, and 5 CDs. =D Though I have 2 the same, and another is the same album but a different version cover-wise.

    -___- I'd rather teach you something useful than swearing.
    But some of the stuff looks so cooooooool. ;A;

    Yeah. O.o

    I don't think that's very hard. XD heaps of people + factories = bleh air.

    I know. Then I'm left wondering if I got scammed and if there really is any paste inside. :/
    I guess it's like, emergency food if you're literally stranded and starving. XD
    I was talking to my friend who's been to the States, and she said that for us it seems that the tax is worked into it, rather than the tax having to be added as an extra. She complained about taxes being different for different states. XD
    I might scout some sushi on Thursday ...
    I didn't like the Tokyo Blitz AG ... too confuzzling. =S
    -__-" And I go on occasionally, just to see if I have any notifications or read manga. Other than that, nope. I don't post in the forums anymore.

    The break I had before was what could be called winter break here.

    Not as humid as like, China heat. Our temperatures never go very high in summer. And -__-
    I ate all my cake, but my mum brought some cake back from a family friend's birthday dinner. =D And it has peaches in it too!

    I guess we don't use that term here?
    15GB per month.

    Aren't they the same ones? O_o
    Pretty much. I need to find a place to put all my Super Junior stuff ..

    Not much, surprisingly. I only know a couple.
    I think he was pretending to be a girl for something, and then they said he looked like his sis. XD And it does have holes in it. LOL. Obviously .. half the stuff on fashion shows would get you stares on the streets.

    Lol, creases just reminded me of origami. XD

    I bet. Though probably not as bad as China's air. The sky is yellow at night. =O

    Nah, not that. Pretty much like pineapple buns, except without the pineapple top thing and with red bean paste inside.
    .. Sorry. Lol.
    That's cheap. O_O And tips .. lol, keep forgetting you have to tip over there. Now I want to eat sushi. D;

    Helping Geoff with an AG? /goes over to MF to see
    .. You stoleded my Yuri gif. LOL. Nah, it's fine. I just got confused for a second, since I used it for a while and thought "I didn't post that .."
    I think that'd be called a semester break? XD

    True. I still remember how gross I felt after dance practice last year. >_> And I guess that's what deodorant is for? I don't know, but it was probably canned. Now you've got me wanting canned fruit ...

    Lol. I didn't know what fobby meant until last year.
    Um .. $5 for 5GB or something.

    It was foxes .. then they changed. I don't like the foxes. >_>
    OCD about certain things. You should see how messy the computer desk has gotten now. =D

    Well, she doesn't do that, thankfully. XD

    Because they don't literally make sense.
    I don't think Dara would have thick eyebrows .. Lol ... But yeah, he's worn a long wig before and he looks like her. O_O Stage outfit from their first song. I think it's kinda cool. XD In a fashion way, not in a 'could wear it out' way.

    because of all the stress? Has his wife gotten old-looking too? I think they're called wrinkles. :/ True .. there are big walls of texts ...

    Smoggy? Nope.

    ... huh? No, they look like bread. Lol.
    .. I want some now. D;
    ... It looks so niiiiiiiiiice. How much was it?

    You weren't hermiting? =O

    True. And you'd be all "uhhhh .." XD

    Unless they're .. exercise enthusiasts? I dunno. Lol. And what? XD Yeah, it was peach slices. Mmmm ... nommy.

    Ah, I see. Westernized generation, huh?
    Um .. like, extra bandwidth. Lol.

    I forgot to do =D instead, but then couldn't be bothered editing after I realised.
    No, I'm not. XD My mum always tells me off for being so messy.

    My friend already gives me long winded explanations. I just nod and go "mmhm". Lol.

    I managed to stop just before I walked into it, and then went around it and tried to act like nothing had happened. XD

    Google Translate is accurate when it's formal structure, It's when it gets informal and colloquial that it gets confusing. O_o
    This [IMG]

    Wow .. so long ago. O_O And lol, it's quite ecchi in some places though.

    I don't know either. Convenient?

    Yeah! Red bean paste. The label only says red bean though.
    I'd buy more than a whole box ... They're so gooood.
    Sorry for not replying to your VM for so long. >_>

    Lucky ... though I think night classes would kill my motivation to go to Uni at all that day .. Lol .. I usually doze on the bus home. D;

    Then again, I don't like sweating. -__- I'd rather brave cold than heat. I find it easier to warm up? I don't cool down easily. And my mum bought me a cake for my birthday. You might have seen the pictures on FB. Inside has peaches <3 I'm eating a slice right now. XD

    Whaaaaaa ... I don't get why not. :/ Do you mind me asking how they communicate then? Or even, like, get along? O.o
    Might just have to buy extra data blocks at the end of the month ...

    Meh. I think I just can't be bothered. Lol.
    I think my friend was once trying to explain Dr. Who to me. I didn't understand it at all.

    No, they dodged. XD

    Where are said pics? >:[
    Nah, if it was Korean, I'd give you characters, not the romanization. XD dem ppl nedz 2 go 2 skul.
    I'm pretty sure she ALWAYS has weird hair. But I can't look at her the same way anymore. Every time I see her face, I just see her younger brother, who looks EXACTLY like her, but guy version.

    How many years has it been since he got elected? O.o And that, or people just read it for the near nudity of the girls. I swear, it's borderlining porn now. >_>

    You can walk the central city in less than a day. XD

    Yeah! Though I prefer the custard and red bean buns. Mmm ...
    D; We don't sell them at work anymore, but a dairy up the road sells them 2 for $2. My friend has to drag me away when we go past it on the way home. And (y). Good plan.
    Nah, rushing homework is the night before. And there's no where to sleep at Uni? I see.

    I'd rather under-dress than over-dress, really. :/ And true. Apart from kiwifruit and peaches. And grapes.

    There probably is, but I just remember it from this time the host was being picked on for it. XD I don't get the reference because I don't know what Wonder bread is, but I get the gist. XD And I thought her English sounded fine ... Does your dad speak English okay? And yes .. I'm pretty sure it'll be tortured for the next couple of months with Super Junior coming back.
    not at - cake and cookies.
    I'm a little afraid to wipe it now. XD

    From the future is a scary aspect ... then there'd be these weird overlaps and contradictions.

    I was trying to get to my next class on time. It was crowded and I was just following the person in front of me up the sidewalk but didn't see then dodge the pole. XD And lucky I didn't.

    Are there fancy sushi?
    It looks like romanized Korean, actually. XD And no, I don't. I don't know who talks like that. Lol.
    Palm tree hairstyle is when the ponytail is tied so it's sticking up from the top of their head. Basically, like a palm tree on your head.

    It's kinda amusing, the spoof of him in the manga. XD And I swear, even though I read it, sometimes I don't understand what's being said. -__-

    Um, not really that big. The largest in NZ, but seriously, it's kinda tiny. :/

    Sorta. Kinda on Asian bread. XD And I doubt you could get 2 hot dogs anywhere here for $3...
    Hahaha, bribing? And loool, I'll just wash my face every time I eat a bag of chips?
    Um ... no, not really. Lol. And haha, your mum doesn't complain when you're on?

    I do that too. Lol. And yeah, true. I like cream on cake, especially with fruit. D:


    Yeah, I only pick up on the easy stuff. XD The only difference I found in Taiwanese is pronouncing the "sh" sound as "s". Lol. And some different words. Why does Mando piss your mum off? Also, I'll ... just have to find some new Chinese shows. >_>

    Yay! You've got th-
    Mmmm .. >_>

    .. ALIEN!?

    Nah, the ground. XD

    It'll just make me hungry. Lol. But yes, take pics!
    Doo et newae.
    But it's for show. Lol. ANd something about a palm tree hairstyle, and pink skirt thing.

    I'll see if I can find a picture. Lol, read from there. XD

    Yeah. Or train. Lol.

    Yeah, it's a lot. Lol. And whaaaaaaat. Fuuuuu food is expensive here.
    Yes, I do. >_> And how's that a weakness .. Lol. That's exactly what it feels like! D;
    I don't do on much with the school comps anyway. Lol. And take advantage of the internet during that time!

    I only wear them on days when it's sorta cold, but not too hot. XD I have to judge the weather before I leave the house. But .. isn't the cream the good part of it .. so unhealthy but so nice.

    Oh, I don't use the CDs in the albums. It's more a collection thing ... I do use the DVDs though.

    Sound effects. XD I can pick up some, expecially if it has the variety shows with Chinese captions at the bottom, but other than that ... But aren't you exposed to Mandarin like, every day from your dad? Half a year because that was when my Chinese exam was last year. XD The last time I'd been back to China was 5 years ago.
    Posts where you only -
    I'm pretty sure my keyboard is totally gross. Lol.

    Wow .. I knew my dad was good at fixing stuff but building a GUNDAM. O______O

    It had a sheet of glass on top? You know, like the wooden tables with glass tops? That. My nose hit the edge of the glass. >_> And lol. I remember I nearly walked into a pole at Uni. XD

    .. I want. D;
    Just start baa-ing. XD
    Creeping? Oh, because of the way the cameras are set up? Lol. And I saw an article on Dara's fashion for a performance of Ugly yesterday ..

    LOL! I remember that! He switches body with one of the girls and is scantily clothed. XD

    None of my close friends drive. XD And wut ... -__-

    Pretty sure I maybe spent about $30 on food last week. -___- And what can $3 buy you?
    Mmm .. not as much. I'll get sick of that. And somehow I feel like potato chips are making my skin bad right then and there when I eat them. D;
    Yeah, true. Except I think if I sign in, I have a set limit. And from your dad downloading? Is he ever not?

    Lol, I sometimes wear them for fashion. And yeah. My friend got a frappaccino and there was .. a lot of cream. Maybe a third of the top was cream.

    Hahahahaha, yes. I will.

    -___- Very basic Chinese I can understand. I've forgotten a lot of it in half a year.

    Maybe you should ... post half posts.
    If I have gunk on my hands, yeah, I'd wash them obviously. XD But if I'm, say, sitting at the computer at home all day, nothing really warrants me washing my hands very often.
    I haven't seen a Gundam in there though .. O_o?

    It didn't break anything though, and I've never broken a bone, or fractured anything. And lol, yeah, I think I am accident-prone. I somehow got a bruise on my finger from work, but I don't remember how. And it doesn't hurt. O_O

    That's why I usually have it on sushi. Lol
    You should drop that word into a conversation with your friends, and make them go "whaaaaa?"
    I don't understand why it's hard for you to watch the episodes. Lol. And yeah, I think they look better with less make-up.

    Slow reader huh .. XD Yeah, motor engine-powered roller blades. I read it for the artwork and humour, though the storyline makes no sense at all, and it contradicts all physics when the author tries to explain the physics behind it.

    Mmm ... I'll get around to it. And if you're gonna get a midlife crisis when you're 19, what will you get when you're in your 40's? O_o

    D; So mean.

    It does for me. And I'll take a picture from my new favourite bubble tea place next time I get some tea (but I really shouldn't be spending so much money on food at Uni >_>)
    .. Yeah. I have a major sweet tooth. I could eat gummy candy all day. *sigh* Not good.
    I use my other phone for the webz though. Lol. True. I guess she was referring to your leeching past times.

    Really? But they're warm ... Yeah, it did taste a little weird. And half of it was ice.

    I picked which one looked the best. Lol. They all look good, but like, the editting of some for the cover overall doesn't look very nice. >_>

    Mmm .. it seems that Viet and Chinese subs are easy to find for the videos I wanna watch. >_>

    Lol ... I guess yours is a suspicious lurking.
    Really? I think it's bad to be too clean .. like, all those adds for cleaning products that say "kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria!" is just playing off the fears of germophobes. XD I don't think all bacteria is bad ..
    Nope! We haven't used the garage to park a car in over 10 years. It's detached from the house, and it's pretty much like, my dad's workshop place.

    Like I said, I scar easily. >_> From mozzy bites, to acne, to injuries and stuff. I still have marks from the giant pus bubble on my leg, and when I slipped on the stairs and slammed my shin into the step. And a scar on my hand from a toddler when I fell down the stairs of our house. XD

    Hmm .. not THAT bad. But I have a thing for salmon sashimi. Lol
    It doesn't taste peppery or anything like raw onion does.
    Or, you can watch cuts of their shows. Lol

    I've finished all the released chapters online. D; And you don't know Air Gear? Wut ... It's quite popular.

    I do have a licence! Just learners. XD

    Maybe I should suggest they bring it back ..

    Yes, some people are. And since there's a choice of topping, like pearls or jelly or pudding or whatnot, it fills you up.
    Um .. I eat a lot of sugar. Lol. And yeah, it's bad for you. I not sure if it leads to high blood sugar or anything, but too much sugar isn't good.
    I don't have a laptop. And lol, from your neighbour?

    Nah, the blue one was from this week. And I did eat lunch, but got hungry again after a couple hours. D; All I ended up getting was an ice shaken green tea. XD

    Um ... all the songs I'm currently liking?

    Double? Haha, true. Well, there's this site that allows you to choose which cover though .. And I'm sure once the albums got released in-stores, you could pick. It's just online that is random.

    They are. Just that .. subs are hard to find. D;
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