I saw you first, thats who I danced with

o3o crom... colegas!!

lol I almost put the intro to 'Barney e sus amigos' ><;;

and for good measure

o3o crom... colegas!!

lol I almost put the intro to 'Barney e sus amigos' ><;;

and for good measure


Well you know that means, its offical, were all besties. That makes us

Kisame, you get to choose between Batman or Superman. Though I'm willing to bet youre gonna pick Batman, so youre Batman. Moi, for obvious reason and lady parts, youre Wonder Woman. Together we shall wreak sexy across this board like never seen before.
sweeet! wonder woman... works for me since I have dark hair too.

oh but that picture link is broken Crom.

Is this sexy enough to start with? Part of my power is that my strapless top doesn't fall off when I'm fighting crime.
sweeet! wonder woman... works for me since I have dark hair too.

oh but that picture link is broken Crom.

Is this sexy enough to start with? Part of my power is that my strapless top doesn't fall off when I'm fighting crime.
My those are some tight pants I hope you wont need help taking those off later.

/sexual inneudo

Yes! Nice one, let's do this!!
So what's our goal? @Crom you are our leader, so you decide
Well its simple, we kill the Emmie. Because her father looks like Prince apparently (And that makes me jelly).

After that, we take over the board. Moi will run it since shes funny (and female, we all know how men flock to females) and I'll enforce it with brute force (since thats what I do, plus I have the strength) while you handle the technological parts (Since youre Batman).

After that we walk down the street in tights flaunting our junk. Sound like a plan?

My those are some tight pants I hope you wont need help taking those off later.

/sexual inneudo
oh dear... I suppose I do suck (at taking my pants off by myself) and I'll have to swallow my pride and admit that.

Well its simple, we kill the Emmie. Because her father looks like Prince apparently (And that makes me jelly).

After that, we take over the board. Moi will run it since shes funny (and female, we all know how men flock to females) and I'll enforce it with brute force (since thats what I do, plus I have the strength) while you handle the technological parts (Since youre Batman).

After that we walk down the street in tights flaunting our junk. Sound like a plan?

mutiny! about to sneeze...

it's a plan! as long as you two will, at times, wear cod pieces like this magnificent fellow:

oh, one more thing... Tight Pants Bandits was my wedding theme! so it's perfect!
I expected no less from you, that's a badass (no pun intended) name!!! :D
Pshh, thank you, thank you. I try, I try. Sometimes my own beauty, humor, and wit even amazes myself.
oh dear... I suppose I do suck (at taking my pants off by myself) and I'll have to swallow my pride and admit that.
Well luckily for you Superman's always willing to give a helping hand.

mutiny! about to sneeze...

it's a plan! as long as you two will, at times, wear cod pieces like this magnificent fellow:

oh, one more thing... Tight Pants Bandits was my wedding theme! so it's perfect!
My, what a lovely wedding that mustve been.

Cod peice [x] , Ready to roll. I think we might need a theme songs. Because you know, when we make our entrances they have to be accompanied by the loudest racket imaginable.
so let's brainstorm!
here's some to start with:


my personal favorite:

Edit: one more.

and btw, this is one of the first images that comes up when I put 'tight pants bandits' into google image search. so I'd say we're in good company.
That is quite the list of songs. The 3rd one is cool but too typical. I'm all for the werewolf songs, and were not even ware wolfs. All the better and more random for our enemy.