Rate The Above Persons Avatar



Well cause it's all curly and stuff, use either a simpler font or something scary or IDK, to make it fit with the tag more, then it'd be awesome. <3


Super Moderator
Staff member
9/10 have to give it as you were so kind to change it to a less intimidating look lol lol and ofcourse it's simply an awesome picture XD

yeaah i like the look on his face xD


Super Moderator
Staff member
AR = Already rated OOOOhhh ofcourse but :/ I dont think Nagi ever rated this avatar :/
Yeah I meant my own avatar not yours XD Yours just cool xD
Lol lol if I wait any longer I'll get a cutenessoverdosis looking at your set instead of ahaha being intimidated lol lol


Super Moderator
Staff member
I know right!! <3 *pinches her avatar's cheeks*

Uhm well I give yours an 8 coz it seems to be quite complicated and I don't really get it but it looks cool nontheless 8D