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  • Oh boy xD I feel honored 8D I'll try to update it weekly~ That sound good ?
    nice to meet you too :D while i do post, i barely manage to visit the forum. kinda busy putting my own website back xD but hopefully I'll be more active here!
    Let's just have fun. We never took into account a passive ability that has + in lynch votes. : P
    yeah well that's just it, if we all just work properly there isn't even need for a big boss XD it's just nice if someone posts an update of which articles are taken and which not ^^
    And I agree on you being boss? lol you look like you'll do just fine~~ Poke people with love :3
    But yeah do you have the topis for next week's friday already? you can also send me an email if you like ;) (nisa1993@hotmail.com <-- you can add me with it to msn but I don't get notifications that people added me soo. you probably won't be added unless you tell me xD)
    lol you seem to be in charge xD just take the lead an I'll follow (I have no rpoblem working in a tema and not being the leader, ofcourse I can be the leader aswell but I'm just as happy while following someone else (as long as I can say I dont agree ofcoruse)
    Yup so you tell me then we can work on it! XD
    lol well there are enough weeks to come! XD We can still write it right? we just keep it save for the next week! XD you seem to be in charge now so that shouldnt be any problem :) We'll just postright now that we'll be taking random friday for next week 8D XD baym and it's taken by us :3
    Sure sure, you have any idea for a topic? lol because that's the big deal with me not really going for random friday xD But please do tell if you have an idea and I'll be glad to work with you :D
    omg lol I almost editted your message instead of replying to it >.>" ain't I stupid lol annoying mod powers lol jk jk XD
    What do you need me for :) I just got back form work XD
    Don't worry, I'll keep you company. <3

    Nice article, by the way. Thanks for mentioning the Soul Section!
    Well, it's because you have found the right group of people that like to RP.
    On the other hand, despite assistance from many people, I still have not been able to find the right group of people for my section.
    I just did, it's a good try.
    I see the RP section is doing good, personally I think it's the toughest section to handle.
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