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  • lol Yea i get dinner...........
    :*107: :*106: :*124: :*169: :*70: :*108: ;gun; ;bazooka; :*52: :*58: :*91:
    Hm, I see. Well, I suppose I said "I see" in response to your earlier statement partly because I was skeptical of your argument when I placed it in front of my brand of questioning. Can the Cherry Thread be fun? Perhaps. Can the Cherry Thread be fun to Zero Phoenix? Doubtful. But because I respect your intellect and because I like you I felt that your argument had it's merits and so the denotation of "I see" also carried the conotation that I would think about what you have said.
    Indeed. From the standpoint of conceit I would say that it's not a party unless I show up. From a standpoint of realism I enter with my theme music, see what's going on, see that not much is going on, and then leave.
    KInda ok. Listening to some dark folk albums I got. You know Comus or Big Blood or Espers?
    Come on! You are 50 year old! You are not in your twenties!

    I think Ray of light is her best album
    :D Awesome profile Music. Very relaxing. Magical, and stuff like that. Amazing song. Close your eyes, just feel it realise it is real and not a dream, I am in you and your in me. Surreal lyrics.

    Even the Queen of the Pop had a couple of Good song before she turn out to be a sell out.

    Madonna when she had self respect
    Sorry I quit on you yesterday, I had to zleep(aka watch a film premier on tv and sleep). But those awfully sounds like those around my region!


    So Pop music in the Balkan Sounds almost similar like those in Middle-East, I see.
    It's nostalgic. I heard that song on a recorded tape. It took me days to get it -- I was writing descriptions like Skating girl, forest and something like that. It was a really wonderful video. See, this is when Pop music was actually good(before the 98).
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