Kaze Araki

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  • Another potential area of dispute: an August 6, 2001, intelligence briefing for President Bush that warned al-Qaeda might try to hijack U.S. airliners.

    The White House says material from the briefings should not be made public for security reasons.

    But some committee members have questioned that argument after it was revealed that Bush invited Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and Russian President Vladimir Putin to attend his morning intelligence updates while they were at his Texas ranch.

    When the agencies recommended censoring more than two-thirds of the report, committee leaders protested.
    Then they reviewed it.They can't tell the truth about what was done and not done, thought and not thought, at crucial turning points.

    What did happen was : totaling 4,744 are purchased on United Air Lines stock.Before the attack.
    Many of the United puts are purchased through Deutschebank/A.B. Brown, a firm managed until 1998 by the current executive director of the CIA, "Buzzy" Krongard.
    The ICT article on possible terrorist insider trading appeared eight days *after* the 9/11 attacks.
    I thinked about 9/11.

    A behind-the-scenes dispute over how much the public should be allowed to see of a report on the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks could touch off a constitutional confrontation between Congress and the White House.

    The House and Senate intelligence committees spent most of last year investigating why the nation's spy and law enforcement agencies failed to prevent the attacks.
    The committees filed the approximately 800-page reports, but it was classified so that intelligence agencies could review it first.

    Among the information at issue: reports on Saudi Arabian ties to the terrorists.

    Graham would not confirm that the report fingers the Saudis, but he said, ''There's a lot of protection of . . . political relationships between the United States and foreign governments.''
    Hm...I don't assume anything unless there is proof.
    There is so many assumptions about it. But terrorists are still terrorists.
    No matter of religion or any other characteristic they possess.
    People are questioning the government. All the religious people are questioning the reasons.
    And all i can say is. Yes. it was a horrible thing. That did happen. And a lot of innocent human lifes where lost.
    And there is a lot of pain and suffering that people are feeling.Cos of it. However.
    That is reality. That is the world we live in. And i just don't get it why people are suprised by it.
    I am suprised cos it didn't happen sooner.
    I still wanna know.You are keeping me in the curious state. Now.

    And fine will do. Darker then Black anime? Or Ghost Hound? Human behavior is the main point in them. It is interesting.

    And um...how about a book? Like : American Gods. :P

    Or a movie : Terry Pratchett books / movies are cool and funny.

    Anything else?
    He is ok. He is leaving to day to party with his friends. On the sea.
    And he already was at sea. Like..Last week. That man has a huge willpower. lol

    And did you just switch topics on me? Hmz? XD
    That woudl be in general. Yesh.
    And it does require a bit of presence. And it can be boring.

    Does that mean you find chatts with me as.. boring? :grin:

    :coolgrin: I cought you by your words. :P
    Wait, what? NOoooooooooooooh! We don't like each other like that! Come on! We... I barely know him. We are not even pen pals.
    Noex, the dude with subverted Christianity? Yeah, he is not bad.

    Now, how do you fare with Avant-Garde and Post-modern classical?
    In what sense? I believe so, but not mainstream. I believe what's in the bible, and not just what the majority believes. I suppose this puts me at odds with both Atheists and other Christians alike, but that doesn't bother me.
    Nooooooooo....ohz.. =/

    Well...tomorrow then. <3
    I ll be up all night. ;)
    And um..i wish you a good rest. And good dreams Kaze. =)
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