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  • Oh, I know that too. And you lie! Latin is very much sexy. (Fabricates some ironic statement about an italian disliking latin)
    Not really, that song is just an internet sensation. Never seen the rest.<br />
    (BTW, the lorem ipsum on your page is really sexy)
    Going swimming? Hmmm...that means you are going to be naked for a brief time when you change clothing...lol!...sorry just couldn't resist! LOL!<br />
    I just drove for 4 hours to get back to me flat. Came back from South Carolina visiting me cousins. LOL!
    There are a few hiking trails here. LOL<br />
    The Appalachian Mountains starts here in the North of Atlanta and stretches all the way to the New England states. <br />
    Very good hiking places.<br />
    I'm starting to ride the trails in a mountain bike. I love nature in that way.<br />
    Oi, the working to hard bit is something but, I'm starting to find that good balance of play and work. ;)
    Bloody Hell with the one guy. LOL!<br />
    The Nurse was directly from animaniacs. LMAO!<br />
    So they are working out the bugs on this yeah? Uhhhh...Just so crazy but I'm willing to wait.:D<br />
    Now get back to work! LOL hehehe
    No worries luv. I'll stick around until they work out the bugs. <br />
    Its such a bother but I'll be here.<br />
    Oi, I don't want the silly creepy! LOL![IMG]
    Bloody Hell is going on with the site. Uhhhhhh! I'm working for several days and then I come back to this? They could have at least left a not with cookies. LOL!<br />
    Ciao Bella!
    kenjutsu my lady or kendo if you prefer the modern term i specialize in two sword style and iai i have 2 main style Niiten ichi ryu and tennen rishin ryu
    yes iam a wanderer you see i been to various places and countries during my travel you see when i was little i was quite fragile iam the target for bullies but thats ok i don mind that until one day the bullies bothered a friend of mine a girl i tried to protect her but they ganged up on me i was too weak i thought that i saved her but instead i made her cry by getting beat up i cant stand that a girl crying it bothers me so much that i cant sleep thinking back i was so desperate back then to become stronger i train till i cant move a muscle everyday i still iam but now in a much calmer mood
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