Anonymous vs Scientology


Thizzin' on Rizon
For those of you who have been asleep on the internet for the past 2 months I'll briefly bring you up to speed.

At the beginning of this year (or maybe very end of last year) a video of Tom Cruise at a Scientology awards ceremony was leaked onto the internet. Because of the sheer insanity of it, users quickly copied it all over the net. was the first to post it and is seemingly the last. The Church of Scientology is very well known for its legal team and "damage control" against critics so a slew of legal threats quickly ran out the door. Gawker has refused to remove the video and is now engaged in a legal battle with the CoS (Church of Scientology). In a outcry of freedom of speech after people began taking a closer look at other instances of bullying from the CoS the interwebs decided to take action.

On January 16th 2008 open war was declared on the cult. There has been tons of media coverage worldwide online and in the news. Yesterday the story even made it to the LA Times (which is some serious credibility).

I will be attending the protest on March 15th in LA. There will be events scheduled worldwide. It will be to celebrate L. Ron Hubbards birthday- we will be bringing cake. It will be delicious. You will have a slice.

Information page:

Lobby page to call our representatives to launch a investigation to remove the CoS tax exemption status:

Anyone else been paying attention or have anything to say about the situation and activities?
This stuff is just ridiculous, all it is is a made up religion. If I ever had to choose a religion, cult, or whatever it would be Wicca.

Rei Ayanami

Pilot Evangelion Unit-00
What the heck is Anonymous anyway, I really have no clue what they are.

"The self-styled Anonymous (used as a mass noun) are the multitude of visitors to various websites and forums. The name 'Anonymous' is taken from the anonymity under which users post images and comments. It is generally considered as a blanket term – not tied to any monolithic group – for members of the Internet culture."

In a nutshell.


Thizzin' on Rizon
Nooo they are a group of "hackers on steroids" as stated by LA's Fox 11 News, and "cyber terrorists" by the CoS.

But really, the large majority of Anonymous members consist of kids. Though this movement has gotten many more common folks involved.


turnabout moderation
never once looked into scientology and i dont plan to. dont really buy into their beliefs
(at least those ive heard about) so this is essentially giving a large amount of publicity to both sides wether its good or not is to be decided.


Thizzin' on Rizon
Well, this isn't about what Scientologists actually believe (which is pretty far out- go to and watch the South Park episode, not only is it funny, its sadly extremely accurate to their beliefs). What it is about is protecting freedom both online and off.

It's also about humanitarian issues. There have been several murders and many crimes that the CoS has commited- as well as families destroyed. It's a pretty serious issue that has been kept secret for a long time. It's just now getting some public attention though its far from common knowledge. Most people know very little about the cult. As a US citizen its especially bothersome knowing millions and millions of US dollars are going to this cult tax free taking services away from society.


Am i wrong in thinking that Scientology is a good theory?
And am i wrong in saying that this is the basis of Scientology:
There are 7? Levels of human "awareness"
That everything in the universe is connected

Or have what i been reading about CoS wrong?
Can someone please explain the main basis to me. And why exactally this ruccas has started between anon and CoS...

I've just finished reading some more "far-out" thinking from Robert Anton Wilson.
You <i>may</i> have heard of: Cosmic Trigger Vol. 1

Many of these beliefs and such are very far out... But in actual terms of thinking out of the box; and possibly helping people to stop and think rather than analyzing everything in black and white seems very positive.

I don't know if CoS is related to Robert Anton Wilson and his colleges. In which i can remember if i recall somewhat rightly, that R.A.W; used to go to Hubbard when he would experiment with LSD.

Of course you can all say; that it's a mind altering drug and that anything while under the influence shouldn't be taken literal.
But these guys are some real thinkers and their ideas are extraordinary... If not plausible.
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