Ask, and You Shall Receive

Dienekes said:
Which author/novel has the most beautiful prose you've ever read?

Hmm, to be honest I've never really read that many books by accomplished authors. Off the top of my head, I'd say Christopher Paolini who wrote the Inheritance Cycle has the most beautiful prose. And as an added bonus, it's fantasy xD
What was your first impression of me O_O?

Well, apart from the fact that I thought you were a guy at first, I thought you were a rather quirky character. You like to say "plopp!" a lot, so I guessed you were the playful sort. Still, I thought you were a nice person because you were always pretty polite in the threads. Guess I was right. ^w^


Active Member
Oh... Awesome. Become famous!

If you got the chance to meet someone from the internet, who would you want to meet and why?

Lol, I'd meet you! You're a nice and fun person!

But honestly I'd meet all the G2Muffin members, because they're all so cool!