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homosexuality is a phenomenon that has been debated by scientists, religious leaders and the like... I do not really mind homosexuals as long as they set some constrictions to their "open-mindedness" as all people should do.

his0kA 44

BLue-FIsh said:
All my friends who are gay/lesbian/bi are really cool. ^^

Teeheehee. Why would you be their friend if you didn't think they were cool in the first place?

I have some friends that are gay. No problem. I got hit on by a dude one, though. That wasn't too cool.

Is it genetic or conditioned? That is the one I can't answer.

PS Go Lesbians!
I personally don't think homosexuality is right, but I don't actually hate gay people.

My Christian view: It says plain and simple in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin, and unnatural. God forbides it and doesn't want anyone taking part in it. This is why he created Adam and Eve, Adam the man and Eve the woman. One was meant to be with the other. If God intended for homosexuality, he would have made Adam and Steve.

My Non-christian view: Simply put, it's just not natural. There is a reason there are two genders. As stated above, one is meant to be with the other. It's like a puzzle piece, two of the exact same pieces can't go together. The purpose of life here on earth is the reproduce and keep our race going. That's why man needs to be with woman and vice-versa. Man wasn't made to be with man, because they cannot naturally have a child together, the same goes with woman and woman.

I do know some gay people, and they are great people, I just don't believe they are right in their thinking. I was always taught to "Hate the sin, not the sinner". I also don't believe the things people say when they believe someone is born with it. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. It may be caused by things that happen to you growing up, but you aren't born with it. And even if that were the case, that doesn't mean you can't change it. Anyone can do anything if they really want to and put their heart and soul into it.


What the hell is wrong with being sexually aroused by people of your own sex/gender? Someone give me a logical explanation. Oh, wait, there is none.

Sexual pleasure and reproduction are two different things, so I don't see how not being able to procreate with someone makes it WRONG to be attracted to him/her.

At the end of the day, the only non-religious reason anyone would have for considering(or rather wanting to consider) homosexuality immoral is... because it's just not right? Retarded.

I'm not gay btw, lol.


Myself i got no issues about it.

I think you should be able to love anyone you want,as long as they rsepct you :)


man it depend on person to person...i think everyone has a right to decide what he wants in life.....


Phoenix of the Red Moon
i have nothing against gay people ... i mean ... i had the opportunity to have a one night adventure with my best friend , and WTH it was cool ^^

Seriously though,

I'm fine with gay people. I can't say the same for the people who discriminate against them. Hasn't humanity evolved past the Middle Ages? Sometimes I wonder...
I take the same approach to this as I do vegetarianism and Vegetarianism and also religion "if you leave me alone I'll leave you alone," but if you really want to know I personally am against it though not to the point of restricting rights. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that in general I simply don't give a damn.
Never really cared about who or what people like scewing or flapping to, and I certainly do not think I have the moral power to pass judgement on people who are gay.

I've only ever had one lesbian experience. I was on holiday, I was drink and anouther girl gave me some free sun-dried meat as a "I want to scew you gift" (man I'm cheap). She got her way by the end of the night, and I can safely say that virginas and breasts are not for me. However I still rather enjoy watching lesbian sex scenes for some reason. Each to their own I guess.
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