How To Confuse An Idiot

Ehe, I wonder how many people fall for that. Problem is, I know people that would sit there, continuously clicking it and going "WHY ISN'T IT WORKING?!" XDThe one I loved to use in the classroom is this:1) Choose an easy target2) Say to them in a very "oh, by the way, here's an interesting fact" kind of tone: "Did you know that if you say gullible very slowly, it rhymes with orange?"3) Watch them say gullible over and over to theirself until either they say "It's not working!" or "No it doesn't!" X3I love doing that~
<_< Clicked once and went to another window, only to return to find the video did not load.Upon clicking again, I realized that it was just an image.>_> Zero, prepare for repercussions.


The Lotus Eater
Staff member
I am too gawdly to be confused by this. The only thing that confuses me is how damn awesome I am, it's mind boggling.
[quote name='"pangary' date=' post: 27853"']How do your know without clicking ?[/quote]Well at the time I saw it, I had slow internet, so I saw the words "image something" before it actually came up ;p It does look different to the usual thing though slightly.@Frank I'm guessing they keep clicking it afterwards thinking it didn't load properly?^^