I confess.................


Colonel H Stinkmeaner
I confess, you're such a nice guy!!! I mean, I always knew that ofc, but it's good to hear that there are people like you who want to help others for the greater good. And I'm not saying this just to flatter you :D

Your job sounds amazing - you get paid, do the job you want to do and get to help others. Man, you're one cool guy! d^~^b

And thanks so much!!~ I'll ask you if anything comes up, cheers :grin:
I confess thanks AZN! I really do love to help in that sense and you should see the joy and wonder on these peoples faces when I educated them about their own finances. Its so cool seeing that.:D

Oi, I need to go and revised. Hit you up later mate.:D



Colonel H Stinkmeaner
Damn, I confess, that is fricking awesome!!! You're gonna get a real hot (and nice) wife man, no wonder you're such a ladies' man..... :grin:

Anyways alright then. I confess, it was nice talking to you, as always

Take care~