League of Legends

Don't be afraid to use your ulti on minions. D= You need to do that to get more health =D

I've been wanting to try out some of the new characters in the rotation.


I feel free when the world doesn't owe it to me.
So when is the NA patch coming out? I wanna try out Riven already xD

[MENTION=155]Cid[/MENTION] it's best not to spam Kennans ult on minions xD just save it for team fights


[MENTION=1890]Hamuko[/MENTION], i think he meant ChoGath's ult ... cuz yeh, kennen's is best with multiple enemy champs close by, also gg yesterday lol sorry i left so suddenly had to catch a bus


I feel free when the world doesn't owe it to me.
The higher you're level the more annoying pvp gets.. People like to bitch and complain about the littlest things and it just makes the game unenjoyable.. Pvp with me and I'll guarantee our middle turret will be down before the 15 minute mark :3


I feel free when the world doesn't owe it to me.
I just bought Riven~ I'm about to test her out in a bit 8D

Also [MENTION=119]Faux Angel[/MENTION] got a sweet 8 kills in a game with me 8D awwwyeaah!