~Magical Warfare~ OOC+Sign Up

Magical Warfare

MASTER! MAAASSSTERR! WE FINISHED THE CONSTRUCTIONS! A rather young looking man eyed the being that approached him very well then, start the enrollment.

The young man was in fact the last survivor of the war against the Demon Lord and his forces. 40.000 mages were led against him by the previous king, but all of them died, except for him. The Demon Lord was killed though. He returned to the underworld to recover from the immense damage they caused to him, but before he disappeard, he gave the young man one last message.. a warning.

Remember this, you have just delayed your utter destruction. 5 years.. you've got 5 years from now on. You should train until we meet again~.. haha.. AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA


Now, 3 years later, the young mage created his own academy to train new magicians in order to prepare for the upcoming fight. In two years, the young men and women have to master the arcane arts to destroy the demon lord for good... And that's where you come in.

You are a young person in the great Kingdom of Razil, seeking to learn the arts of magic, either to protect your homeland, to avenge the dead or out of other reasons, maybe because you're seeking the ultimate power..? The apprentices' reasons might be different, but they all strive for one goal, to destroy the demon lord and reassure that mankind does not become extinct.

Okay, here's my new RP :3 soo, i know the story is kind of lame, sue me -.-" but the core reason i created this was the battlesystem that randomly popped up in my mind, so yeah, i'll try to explain it now... but first of all, here's the char sheet

Character Sheet

Name (duh)

Age (nothing below 16 though)

Gender (duh)

(Just write about what your life as a magicless being was and why you wanna join that academy.)

Personality (duh)

Magic (will be explained)

Mana Pool (will be explained)

Servant (will be explained)

Appearance (i want a pic, anime, real, selfdrawn, whatever =D)


Before i forget it, here's some background information:

The Kingdom wasn't directly under attack, just a few towns and villages on the outskirts, if you wanna know why.. let's just say mages' teleportation ftw ;D

Every person able to use magic left to fight and pretty much everyone died. There might be a few people out there in hiding, but they are rather unimportant. You all start completely magicless. That's necessary so no one has an advantage.

Once you gain your magic powers, you'll all start with a 100 HP Barrier


The mana pool is pretty much something like experience points. The greater your mana pool, the stronger you are. Moreover, you'll use the mana you have to gain new spells and upgrade yourself. Beware though. When you're defeated in a fight between students, you can lose up to 10% of your mana pool to the opponent.

The magic section of your char sheet contains all the spells you'll have in future and thus needs to be updated regularly.

Everyone will start with a Barrier spell and 3 basic offensive spells.

The Barrier

The Barrier is the thing that protects you from any kind of damage, be it physical or magical. To set up a barrier, the mage must not move, to be able to continuous casting. The barrier will have it's own 'health points' and can be improved by spending mana points into the barrier skill. Once the barrier breaks, you have been defeated.


The spells in this RP will have a certain cooldown, their own level and a certain amount of damage.
Depending on the Elements, offensive spells will be able to nullify each other and there will also be one-time use barriers to protect oneself from certain spells or elements. In order to keep up the feeling of a real 'game' the RP will be round-based. In each round, both sides will rotate between being "attacker" and "defender" (which only determines who attacks first and has no effect on your skills at all) and will try to break each other's barrier. Moreover, each spell will need a certain amount of 'rounds' to recharge for another use. It is up to the RP'er to find a balance between their spells so he won't be completely defenseless for a whole turn.

Mana Crystals

A Mana Crystal is in fact crystalized mana that can be absorbed by magicians. The only way to obtain mana crystals is by either forcefully absorbing a part of a defeated opponent's mana or by killing magical beings (including mages)


Upon defeating a stray monster, mages are able to either kill them in order to obtain their mana crystals or can even decide to tame them and turn them into servants. Upon taming a monster, the mage is able to 'memorize' their magic 'consistence' and thus re-summon them upon their death. In order to summon a monster though, a mage must have a mana pool that is twice as much as the monster's. The magician is even able to summon two or more beings, as long as his mana pool is big enough. Inside a fight, the servant will attack every round and cause direct, unblockable damage to the barrier as long as it attacks physically (there might be exceptions as long as you have the right spells). A servant can still be killed though by aiming ones attack at it, and most servants have no protection against spells at all.

Upon the confrontation of magicians of which both have servants, the servants will first fight each other and the one that survives will be able to attack the enemy magician. Each servant will have it's own health, attack and defense points. In a battle between servants, both sides will get damage regardless of who attacks first and it depends solely on the magicians' support and the monsters' stats which side wins.

Whenever you tame a new type of monster, add their name to the servant part in your charsheet.


1. NO GODMODDING! you've got exact instructions of how fights have to go, if you are unsure, ask me first instead of just doing SOMETHING

2. I control the NPC's in the RP and I spawn them (as long as it's not a fight between magicians). Unless i give you the okay, you can NOT just go out and find monsters to beat the c**p out of them. When i actually give you the okay, you play the game normally, but have to wait for at least one post between yours to continue the fight, NO several turns in one post.

3. stick to your skills, don't do things you're not capable of and notify me in the ooc, through vm or pm if you wanna get a new skill. That's necessary so i'll know when i should continue my work on the skills.

4. sadly, this has to be PG-13, so no explicit gore or TOO romantic stuff, if you wanna go ahead and make babies, do it via pm (and send me a copy :L)

5. do NOT kill other RP'ers without having their AND my permission. Feel free to steal their Mana thought (after a battle you've won)

6. This fighting system is still a prototype, if something is off with the balancing, make sure you notify me and i'll try to change things in order to get a nice balance into the RP.

7. If something is NOT 100% clear, ask me instead of just doing SUMTHIN, and yes, this is a rule.


Okay i think that's all of it.. time for the skills you can get.


Black Bolt lvl 1 (3 M)
DMG: 0.5 x Mana Pool
Cooldown: 6 Turns

Black Bolt lvl 2 (30 M)
DMG: 1 x Mana Pool
Cooldown: 8 Turns


Light Bolt lvl 1 (3 M)
DMG: 0.5 x Mana Pool
Cooldown: 6 Turns

Light Bolt lvl 2 (30 M)
DMG: 1 x Mana Pool
Cooldown: 8 Turns


Water Whip lvl 1 (3 M)
DMG: 0.5 x Mana Pool
Cooldown: 6 Turns

Water Whip lvl 2 (30 M)
DMG: 1 x Mana Pool
Cooldown: 8 Turns


Fire Bolt lvl 1 (3 M)
DMG: 0.5 x Mana Pool
Cooldown: 6 Turns

Fire Bolt lvl 2 (30 M)
DMG: 1 x Mana Pool
Cooldown: 8 Turns


Trunk Smash lvl 1 (3 M)
DMG: 0.5 x Mana Pool
Cooldown: 6 Turns

Trunk Smash lvl 2 (30 M)
DMG: 1 x Mana Pool
Cooldown: 8 Turns


Rock Throw lvl 1 (3 M)
DMG: 0.5 x Mana Pool
Cooldown: 6 Turns

Rock Throw lvl 2 (30 M)
DMG: 1 x Mana Pool
Cooldown: 8 Turns


Lightning Bolt lvl 1 (3 M)
DMG: 0.5 x Mana Pool
Cooldown: 6 Turns

Lightning Bolt lvl 2 (30 M)
DMG: 1 x Mana Pool
Cooldown: 8 Turns


Casting speed lvl 1 (10 M)
1 Turn less cooldown

Casting Speed lvl 2 (100 M)
2 Turns less cooldown

Barrier lvl 2 (10 M)
250 HP

Barrier lvl 3 (150 M)
500 HP


(summoning is not affected by casting speed)

Summoning lvl 2 (20 M)
Cooldown: 15 Turns (call one servant)

Summoning lvl 3 (200 M)
Cooldown: 14 Turns (call one servant)

Recovery lvl 1 ( 15 M)
Cooldown: 7 Turns
Recovers ¼ of the servant's health, targets only ONE servant

Recovery lvl 2 (150 M)
Cooldown: 7 Turns
Recover ¼ of two servants or ½ of one servant's health

Power Up lvl 1 (15 M)
Double Stats

Power Up lvl 2 (200 M)
Triple stats


About the elemental affinity:

In the world of magic, spells have elemental affinities and depending on these, they are stronger against some kinds of spells and weaker against others. Here's the affinity list and examples of how to deal with the confrontation of the elements.


Here are the examples.

If of the same affinity or of two different affinities that are not linked to each other in any way, they nullify each other and there is no dmg at all. If a level 3 spell and a level 1 spell hit, reduce the higher spell's level by the lower spell's level, meaning that the damage caused is that of a level 2 spell

If two spells of linked affinities meet, the weaker element will lose even if it's on a higher level, as long as it's not way higher. The level of the stronger element gets multiplied with 2, then the usual procedure follows.

Dark and LIGHT are each others weakness. Because of that, they cause double damage if both are cast in the same round and one breaks through. They are neutral towards each other element though.

When you enter Battle, enter this in the beginning of all of your posts and fill it out.

Barrier HP
(add the maximum hp of your barrier and the health you currently have it will look like this (current health)/(maximum health)

(add all your spells here, once you use them, add the cooldown time and update it with every passing turn)

(add your servant, his lifepoints, his attack and his defense here. Keep track of the lifepoints as well and, if the servant has skills, add their names and cooldowns as well)

Here's an example

Barrier HP



Fire Bolt, 6 Turns
Lightning Bolt 5 Turns
Water Whip 4 Turns


5 DEF​