New in town

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Hi everyone, its a long time since I introduce myself, well I love anime and manga, always looking for more to watch and to meet people that like anime and discuss their ideas and theories. Hope to meet a lot of people, Im open to suggestions to series to watch or read. Some Im actually reading:

Hajime no ippo

One Piece



Baki son of the Ogre

D Grayman

Tengen Toppa Gurren

Any question Im open to it (not sure if I answer all, but you can ask), have a great day everyone!


Oderint Dum Metuant
Welcome to G2Anime! The only series out of those you listed I read/watch are Naruto and Bleach which tend to be defaults with a lot of people lol. Anyway I hope you have a great time with us here and remember to keep active!
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