S4 League

The thread is quite simple: Who has played? Who would be willing to try?

(Please don't count this as advertising, it's not like I want you to give them money I'm just lonely :cry:)

To put it in simple good/bad:


+Fast paced action

+(Mostly) Balanced weapons

+Easy to learn, difficult to master

+Lots of variety


-AP(real money) Items are OP

-Lag can be annoying

-Not the best community (To put it lightly)

-Many maps are rarely played

http://s4.en.alaplaya.net for anybody interested.


Active Member
I have played. A lot. in fact its the only multiplayer game ive ever played, oddly enough o3o

Ign; Raitch

Who were/are you?
Didn't see that reply, though I didn't exactly watch this thread for the whole 4 months...

Anyways, IGN Drakari and I mostly play on Europe1 (English) or whatever it's called, in any of the free channels. Any game type on any map is good, but I avoid Swords Only (Mainly because I don't want to change my sets).