Saint's Row the Third and the DLC Dustbowl

Do you like DLC? I hope you do. I hope you really like it.
At a keynote presentation at ‘Cloud Gaming USA’ in San Jose, THQ CEO Brian Farrell spoke of new business models and ‘an online digital ecosystem.’He also revealed that Saints Row: The Third will have more than 40 weeks of DLC. That’s forty, four-zero, not four.Farrell said that the DLC ‘will grow and change the experience as the consumer engages with the game.’
No,you aren't imagining this,gamers planning to purchase Saint's Row:The Third are condemned to walk the desert of DLC for forty weeks. Forty. Fugging. Weeks.​
I must make it clear that Saint's Row 2 was the most fun I'd ever had in an open world crime sim,but the DLC was absolute rubbish. Each of the overpriced $14.00 DLC mission packs had three missions that showered the player with money,weapons,and vehicles including a replacement for the attack chopper that you would normally have to finish the story to get. The perks were broken,giving the player vehicles,homies,and bonuses before even starting the missions but still showing an "unlock" after the missions were complete. The missions themselves were entirely uninspired and porn star Tera Patrick's appearance in the Ultor Exposed pack was an exercise in terrible,emotionless voice acting. The only reason to even want the DLC is the opportunity for the extra money and overpowered vehicles. As much fun as having infinite rockets and an aerial attack vehicle at the start of the game is,it was not worth the price of a Steam game just to alleviate difficulty in a game where effects like infinite ammo are readily available as side-mission bonuses.​
Granted,I don't know what kind of DLC these forty weeks will bring,but it's hard not to immediately assume the worst and suspect this to be cut content sold back to us Bioware style.​