[Sign ups] The Velvet Room [P3: Memento Mori]

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You wake up in a vast room, shrouded in blue and an air of mystery. There is no one inside. There is a table. On it, there is a CD player, and a small disc reading “Play Me”. Curious, you insert the disc inside. At first, there is only silence. But then, a haunting melody plays, and you hear a voice.

The Message from Victoria:

Listen here.

Hello there. If you are listening to this, it means that the Velvet Room has ceased functioning. The Master has left, and my brethren have gone. Only I… am left. The one who hid in the shadow, who assisted the Master from beyond the veil. Elizabeth… Theodore… Margaret…. All gone now… only Victoria, named for the Dowager Queen, cursed to always hide, remains. Fate has blessed me, but, I fear, it has taken its toll on humanity. The Seal… was not enough. And now, humanity is vanishing. But… what if we could turn back the clock? What if we could change destiny? Then, perhaps, this will not happen. I am fading.. fading… but I can perform this last feat. I have searched for so long, and I have discovered how to perform this final act. To turn back time… but it is not without sacrifice.
For every stage, every play, we must have actors. And what is life but a stage? *Giggles* Pardon me, but… we must all have a little humor in our lives, must we not? Whatever the case, these people… they forged close bonds with the Seals. Both of them. These bonds… these bonds have made them stronger, as well, and have imprinted on them this power, to summon creatures both wondrous and terrible. But they are not puppets. I alone cannot summon them to save the world. Only those who have sacrificed their names as you have done, their old lives, to take on the new, will be able to save the world.

However, there are laws. There must be an equal price paid for all things, and deep magic, old magic, the most of all. Death is upon the horizon, and traitors are in our midst. Be wary. You must ensure that Nyx is not summoned, or find a way to defeat her. It is the only chance we have… to restore this planet, and to save it. But… do not fear Nyx. Fear may blind you. Death is inevitable. Do not let this stay your hand as you slay her, for you must remember that all things come to pass…

The message ends here. You wonder what she’s rambling about. You haven’t lost your name: you’re… you’re… it dawns on you that you cannot remember your name. Only a single word… burning brightly in your mind… is it jibberish? A string of words… or is it only one combined? Perhaps a name, perhaps a memory. You cannot tell.

On the table lies a quill and parchment. You cannot remember if it was there before, but you know that it is there now. The words, the letters, burn deeply into your brain. Quickly, you look over the document.

“I chooseth this fate of my own free will, and take responsibility for all that may occur.”

As you hold the quill in hand, you think to yourself, “Am I willing to do this? Can I accept the consequences?”

The message starts up again, making you jump in fright. Only a single line plays.

“This word… burning in your mind… represents who your soul thinks you are-”

It cuts off, and as you move over to adjust the player it inexplicably starts up again.

“Sorry… interference… but… won’t force… sign only if… accept… conditions…”

Tightly, you clutch the quill.

1. Tsukiko


3. --Pal--

4. Viv

♣Kaname Madoka♣

I would like to register

and please register Tsukiko....

she may not be able to log on today because of out recent events

<----- sooo worried

8.9 earthquake
All people who signed up have been included.

Greetings, everyone. I hope that you understand the responsibility you carry, and I-I....

... Has this... happened, before? I-I recognize some of you... perhaps...

No, it is nothing. Anyways, please, we must all work together... to save...



Active Member
I'm in!

Yay! My first ever AG is now here! Last time, I'm a complete idiot. Now is the time to move and be serious! Let us save the...

♣Kaname Madoka♣

the last time was perfect for me... I got the role Tsukiko had in teh other p3 I had a nice team... >_> but I got screwed over..
And so, we have reached the unlucky thirteenth. Or is it lucky?

We shall see, I suppose. I thank all of you who have joined the cause so far, but we still need more people to aid in this quest to seal away, once a-

...I'm sorry, I must have forgotten myself. We must seal away Nyx, for good.

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