Sorry to all members (please read)


Dear fellow members of zoku haven ,

We are sorry for all the delays and post losses that we had. We are trying to be an professional anime site but we have fail many. We like to say sorry to everyone who is dedicated on the forum. Hopefully there will be no more problems in the future. We are just trying find the best host the members and staff at the same time but so many random errors and problem has came up. We didn't want this to happen but it did.

So please lets build this community like we once were and lets get strong again! ^_^
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Well Im truely sorry because of my lack of english since its my 4th language and Im currently having a hard time learning it.
My activity really hasn't dropped just because the site was down for about a day. Since this is currently one of my favorite forums to visit and post on it'd take more than a little downtime to scare me away.