| The NARUTO fc |

BTW, could anyone share their thought, about Hinata?

Man, thanks to this girl, Naruto was released from that black rod. But the cost, of he going berserk with Kyubi miniature six tails form. Come on, share your thoughts of how the next chapter going. And did Hinata really dead?


Dying from moe overdose.
No, [spoil]she's not dead, but if she is[/spoil]...then I'll quit reading Naruto, srsly, [Spoil]killing Kakashi and Jiriya sucked, but Hinata ?![/spoil]


Dying from moe overdose.

...Oh! I just figured I was a co-owner! sweet~

And to those that were figuring if they can join, yes, you can... but first I have to talk to the owner of the fanclub, to add you on the list. As soon as I've contacted her you will be on the list... but for now, welcome


Dying from moe overdose.
You really do say that to every girl online... Alex, don't forget the fact; "there are no gals on the intarweb"

XD Kidding