Tokyo Majin Gankuen Kenpuchou


Active Member
This is a brand new anime its only has 6 subbed eps out but it is really good, The anime is a action anime, just in the first ep you see kung fu , zombies, Demon , blood and Magic. Thats all a guy can ask for in a anime, if the first ten seconds of the anime doesnt grab you attention , then nothing will. Here a link to ep 1 Tokyo Majin also i hava a youtube group that will run with this site its Called Anime Rezurrection , I got all the tokyo Majin eps there same with Bleach, and D gray man. Heres a links My Group Its on Private tho , Also if theres ever a anime that your looking for online i will put it in the group for for you so you cant watch it.
i know it's an awesome anime, though you forgot the guitar in ep (i think 3 and 4) guitars are awesome, every anime should have a guitar in it;)