Yo, 'sup my fellow nerdizzles?

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1. How did you find this website? Sachiko told me about it. =]2. What are your favorite anime? Welcome to the NHK, School Days and Chaos;Head3. What are your favorite manga? Dragonball... Only one I ever read...4. Do have any musical interests you would like to share with us? Of course! I'm a huuuuuge fan of underground hiphop.5. Where are you from? The Netherlands *nods*. It rocks.6. What is your occupation? Nothing at all! I'm tied down to the hell that's called school nowadays...7. What are some of your talents or things you are proud of doing or having? I make music.8. Tell us about your interests besides manga and anime. Music. That's all, I guess.Myeah... maybe this kind of introduction sucks, copy/pasting the MUST READ thing... but maybe not


The Lotus Eater
Staff member
Welcome to Anime Tempest! Please remember to read the rules and all that boring jazz. But most importantly, have fun! If you need anything, just send me a PM.
Hello There~Nice to Meet You and Welcome to AnimeTempestEnjoy Your Stay Here, The Forum, The Galleryand The Shout Box too, This Site is Awesome so..Good Luck~
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