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  • I've been better. So I will say my current status is sufficient for the time being. I think I've only seen the first two episodes of Hellsing Ultimate so as you might have guessed, I'm very far behind as it stands. I need to find a site where I can download episodes one through seven. I'm pretty sure that it will be a long time before episode eight is subbed.
    Thanks, but I don't believe I'm going to right now. I think if MEM says it, Zp will trust his judgment a little more. But thank you, though. Plus I'll feel a little better if MEM does it. Alright, well thanks for talking to me, as of now I'm going back on Mangafox for a bit. Peace.
    I believe you have to be invited in order to join, am I wrong? Either way I think it'd be best if it was that way, anyway. But I would like to, as I am a Nexus supporter. Did you have to join this site in order to be a legit Nexus member? Honestly the only reason I re-joined is to get away from Mangafox, it's boring over there. I wanted to try something new.
    Well I joined around the time you did, but I didn't make any post. Therefore I think they deleted it, so I just decided to make it again.

    Idiocy is scarce? Sounds almost like a fairy tale in the MangaFox forum. This is also the Nexus Hq, correct?
    I wish.

    There are several members that are not active or otherwise available. Some are on MF and won't transition others are on hiatus and some like Icarael have just dropped off the face of the planet.
    I see.

    The forums there are pretty much crap I am losing touch with it. Mostly I go on MF these days only to chat with everyone via VMs and PMs though the SGs do take a bit of time. Things will likely change when Noex makes his move.
    Yo Kruptos-san.

    Nothing much really. MT is pretty slow, but at least it is peaceful compared to that hell over on MF. I haven't been doing much other than watching anime and playing Diablo II. So what have you been up to recently?
    Oh...? why? weren't they intelligent, contributing something? They should really add a couple more sections to that forum, one for 'ridiculous theories' as opposed to regular theories and one for noob threads... oh, and one for the like 10 mods there who do nothing to just chat and ignore the situation.
    oh yeah, I think I may have seen you post there before. were you active in the Naruto section? I was for a while but it got rather ridiculous, got tired of seeing the same new topic threads pop up over and over again.
    not much, just making myself some toast for breakfast. How are you doing? enjoying the spam? :)
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