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  • No, I don't write for a living. The wall of text thing is just a habit I have and as for debate I choose to speak up on a case by case basis. I've learned not to throw around my opinions unnecessarily. It makes them more worth their weight when I finally do intend to unleash them as I am a fairly reserved person. I've had much practice with arguing over the years and I've learned restraint and where I should and shouldn't fight. I pick and choose my battles and I throw in my wall of text as a tactical bomb, walk away, and watch the situation change and evolve because of it at times. I'm someone who has become increasingly fond of his dignity and I work to uphold it and to show some level of respect whenever I speak. It's why I can berate someone by picking them apart from all I've seen and taken time to analyze and observe rather than just throwing my emotions around. I'm not a fan of emotions and I work hard to reason more than I feel. Ends up with me seeming rather cold and sterile when I write though - It often makes me seem like my words are straight out of the BBC World News Report or something because the way I think, flow, and speak through writing is more sterile than a white box of a room with nothing in it. I've just learned a thing or to over the years, not really all that interesting or important.
    lol i know! piccolo inspires me to jump off mountains ^w^
    ever realize how annoyingly good goku is? I was watching old episode clips to when he gave cell a senzu beans -__-
    ps: I would but you are always do not disturb, so i dont disturb :/
    Lucky Bastard: noex1337 (Seriously, there were two victors and he had the higher win despite having no abilities, no allies, and no voting.)

    I suck at the reason part of giving out awards xD;
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