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  • Then this conversation has become kinda pointless...is what I would say if it didnt give me the chance to see noex....your an interesting breed noex , lets chat again sometimes
    I don't have to say anything. He admitted the truth himself but only after a long argument with Zero and still he said it in a aloof manner. If your referring to my converse with zero then it had many points. 1 man can not say a conversation was pointless. There are allot of thing you cant see. Remember that.
    I never said I figured you out , just what you aren't. You like to skip step when reasoning don't you.
    Your not keeping it real , your just being the child by saying what you feel without any evidence. And you assumed Im trying to intimidate you , thats Zeros behavior pattern. I find peoples tells , behavior patterns and weak points and exploit them in a passive aggressive manner. You wouldn't be able to say with certainty that I was trying to intimidate you IF I was actually try to intimate you.

    BTW a true man that isn't intimated by anyone wouldn't say Im not intimated by anyone. His actions would answer the question itself.

    I just show my old personality when I get annoyed that I had during my animeguy stage....were I did draw traits from other people but Im no copy cat.....I just happen to share some traits with some of you guys which isnt surprising considering were nexus members.
    I dont mind either way. If i get busy i disappear you know the rules by now :p youve known me long enough.
    Listen I don't know you but your starting to piss me off. Saying you would expect that kind of behavior from me when you don't even know me. I hate to quote Zero but Im ganna have to. Stay out of my business, especially if all your going to only interfere and false-judge me.
    <.< ...........you can you can... i just. Nm. Cos you don't know what kind of periods i had. When i was really without work. XD
    Just stay out of my business and you and I won't have any problems. I don't give a shit about what offends you, I don't care about your input in matters that are unrelated to the Nexus. Nothing you have to say means anything. I'm fine with that. But stay out of my business. You have a problem with what I say to people, then you bite your tongue and pretend you don't see anything.
    We can continue this discussion another day, however unlike some people I do not have the luxury of time to tarry on matters of the internet.
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