Denuo Prince

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  • Thats the real reason he hasnt showed up yet lol. He is off using his EMS, to impress the ladies. instead of an avenger, he is a ravager lol.
    Your point is? What, you think you were going to prove me wrong or something if we continued with the convo? Lmfao.
    It was just for the lulz anyways, just something me and Chev do sometimes. Don't see what 'game' you're speaking of, though. Unless you're speaking metaphorically? I'm drained out so I may be missing somethingl.
    Whoops. Just got done with practice. Gotta stay sharp; the season is coming back soon. Had no real time to converse.

    I'll take the incentive and decline yesterdays conversation; it seemed like it was going on the brink of unnecessary hostility. Anyways, what's up for today?
    I had finally thought we were going to see him leave the form for awhile at the end of this last chapter but then basically in the next page he is back in it. I agree on it being BS now.

    Him doing everything on his own i can still see and wont call BS on it since he is the child of prophecy.

    Idr you ever saying anything about that before??

    I have a new theory that im working on that "A good boy" came up with, but that im expounding upon where sasuke is actual Tobi.

    Ill never agree :sneaky:
    I see where your coming from.

    But as you discover more, you will also discover even more that you didnt know and then need to discover and learn.

    So basically as one question is 'answered' another rises which at the same time can bring up an infinite amount of others.
    Philosophy isnt meant to be 'easy'

    and you kinda got it but at the same time missed.

    "Question what is know"----Dont take everything that is already known in the word to be correct or true. Basically dont accept it just because its been 'proven' already.
    "Study what is not"----Dont waste all your time trying to gain knowledge about things that are already known. Take a step out into the world of the unknown.
    "Contemplate it all"----You cant have one w/o the other, and you cant study the unkown w/o knowing the known. You must know how they fit together.
    Oh i know lol. but im not to worried about be known.

    And it was a pretty good one at that.

    Almost as good as my philosophical statement "Question what is known, study what is not, and contemplate it all" :smart:

    You did pick good controversial topics for your threads.
    Zukq doesnt post much up there anymore.

    Ill be able to own just about anyone soon, with taking philosophy and psychology. lol.

    I might start to troll people w.o actually trolling them.Just to piss them off. Its getting boring for reals.
    You should combine all your accounts names. Naw im jk lol.

    True. Some of my views have been changing and more are about to change.
    Do it!

    Its been boring over there w/o yea. I think there might be someone over there with potential though, so hopefully he will ease some of the boringness.
    No; because it isn't even worth the time to talk with you and convince you about what I believe. lol, I couldn't care any less if you think I depend on logic due to myself and Chev's conversation on some trivial VM's. I know what I think and believe that's all that matters.

    Eh; I only know about 20 traditional chinese letters translated phonetically. Chinese has a vast number of characters; it is harder than most people think.
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