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  • Well, since it only has a few chapters I can't really judge it. I'm waiting for more chapters to be released. Right now I'm curious about the curse and the knightmares.

    He was one of them. He has one of the worst reputations. His reputation was second only to Angelus. He was one of the most feared Vampires.
    I caught up to the latest chapters of Ao no Exorcist and Code Geass:Shikoku no Renya. Now I'm reading Soul Eater.

    Back when he caused carnage and destruction with Angelus, he was a badass.
    Nothing much. I've been reading manga.

    The Vampire in my avatar is Spike also known as William the Bloody. Yes, he was on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spinoff Angel.
    Fine I suppose.

    I have just started watching Claymore, so I may pick up reading the manga as I have enjoyed what I have seen so far. The forums keep me constantly busy but nothing out of the ordinary. I really can't complain with how I have been doing.
    That's unfortunate, because they can read deleted messages.
    But it's not a problem so long as the recipient doesn't report you as spam.
    I wouldnt mind this plot device with the cloak if he didnt already state a weakness and make it seem urgent....now Kishi is doing something I never saw any other writer do....and not in a good way....and thats because sasuke never needed a practice dummy before and zetsu was the only one there.

    When you no care for someones existence you really dont need a rgood eason to harm them
    I dont think that..sasuke was never zetsu comrade so it isnt really that big a deal.....and yea I read the chapter quick and I was really disapointed with the cliffhanger and nartuo still being in cloak mode...I wish I skipped just to the sasuke part
    It just sickening that now I only read naruto for sasuke and madara. Kish really screwed shit up especially with the cloak.
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