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[SIZE"1"]Such creatures exist?

Well, I saw alot of sites pertaining to them...

But, I really can't believe.

Is there some proof or the like as to how they are real?[/SIZE]
Well, there isn't any concrete proof of their existence yet.

I'm interested in the theory that aliens actually look like human beings. If the conditions for human survival are so specific, then it wouldn't be too far off to assume that all sentient life in the universe look like humans to a large extent.

I believe that we're not the only intelligent lifeforms out there. Especially with our estimations of the universe being so very fucking old and all...

IMHO, civilizations have risen and fallen and this cycle is continuing on. We're nothing but yet another civilization that's about to enter the "real" space age and realize the truth in a thousand years or more.

Or bitterly fail at it. We could as well exterminate ourselves or end in some other manner...

Our primary objective should be expanding to the Moon and to Mars. After achieving enough technological advancements, we'd travel to a different solar system, colonize a new world, and so on...

Just not to stay on a single planet.

That's kind of a bad idea on the big scale...

We'll see~

We might as well all just be figments of God's imagination, or protagonists of a video game. Yeah, let's not delve into that any further...

Anyways, I've stated my opinion on the matter, yet I still kinda wonder about all the alien sightings and pictures. It would be really impossible to tell if they're all fake...

In short... humanity is still too stupid.



I believe there's other life in the universe, the universe is vast and rapidly expanding, new galaxies and planetary systems are still being created.

For life to exist the only thing needed is energy. On earth it comes from many sources, animals eat and drink, plants absorb sunlight and water and nutrients from the soil. In the Mariana Trench (the deepest part of the oceans) there are entire biospheres with alien-like animals that live without any sunlight at all, with the bottom of the food chain being little bacterias that consume sulfurous particles that come from steam vents in the ocean floor , 7 miles below sea level . There is evidence that similar alien-like biospheres exist on the south pole in Lake Vostok in Antarctica. So basically life on earth boils down to the precarious distance that we maintain from our sun that allows water to exist largely in liquid form, while also cycling through to gas and back. On Titan, Saturns largest moon, there is a liquid/gas cycle of methane, exactly like the liquid/gas cycle of water on earth, which suggests that just as life on earth is H2O based, life on titan could be CH4 based... and the same could work for many other elements and other moons and planets.

Also, as far as signs of intelligent life goes, as early as the late 70s scientists picked up strong radio wave signals in seemingly empty areas of space for around 30 seconds, that could not have been earth-originated since their frequencies were internationally banned for usage. so... u could conclude that since there is no planet in that spot, the signal had to have originated from a foreign body... such as a spaceship? : D

and again in 2003 SETI found even stronger signals in other "empty" areas in space, but the weird thing about it was that the frequency was one that hydrogen could absorb... which basically meant the radio signal could be transmitted across vast distances in space ... alien communication? : D

._. anyway... u should google SETI , they found tons of cool stuff ;blah;
I can't exactly say that I have any expectations in any direction as to alien life...

But statistically, 100% of planets we have thoroughly examined contain life :badass:


[quote name='Rah']Where did you copy that from, Kiyo?


no where =.= why dont u google it to check.... i happen to like science D< im not as stupid as i seem
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