Guess Who Will Post Next


Super Moderator
Staff member
Uhm I don't have areal lover? XD I have a hubby on Dango though but she isnt been online for ages O_O and she's a she and its not for serious >.> so yeah can't break up anything :3

Next person will b female


What's Dango anyway?

O____O Oh hey~ I is a girl~~~~~~~ :3 *w* lol xDDDDD I seriously don't know how to act girly.

Next person will get a free trip to North Pole 8D


Super Moderator
Staff member
Wait what's Tomodachi? a friend? Uh I guess I'm a friend sort of not really ehh @_@ you're the muffinthief and I'm the one who shares the muffins with anyone hmm can you call that friend? @_@ I dunno go judge yourself :p

Next Person will be a male