SOTW #7 - Voting

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godofwar7 says:

I say both should be disqualified for not being typography only :[

There's a difference between having Typography as a focal and doing a Typography tag.

#2 GMV, because they seemed to somewhat understand that, but for w/e reason put a bird in there.



Ummmmmmmm, GMV #2 I guess..... Both really aren't what I think of when I think of typography.... But the first one doesn't have enough text, the 2nd is better but the bird and all the negative space kinda ruin it.... But still #2 has the theme better. <3


→Donut Vampire
Such appalling entries. :/

In fact both entries deserves to be disqualified for not following the theme.

But, #2 GMV. Reasons are stated already so there isn't a need.

Tip for #2: It'd be more pleasing if you made the bird using text only to form it.

Side suggestion: Technical themes seem to go off most of the time(e.g SOTW-depth and this one). So I suggest that we do less technical themes but I know for the fact that it is boring that way. :/

Again, this is just my opinion and it's highly based from the previously held SOTWs in this site.


Yea, Its been a ride...
I do agree with GOW and Maria, If your going to make a Typography Only theme, enforce it. Its a bit disappointing to see this sort of thing happen again after the B&W theme event.

Anyway, 2 GMV since its closer to the theme and looks better.

As mentioned by Maria, it would look a lot better if the bird was made in text-only.
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