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  • Because my iPod is slow, and trying to keep up with some spam threads is hard, well the ones when people keep posting right after each other. xD
    I'm not sure what generation, but it's version 4.2.1 according to the about thingy. :3
    I can't give away all my secrets now, can I? ;)
    hmm, you like vampires? even the sparkly ones? what kind of movies?
    takes about a beer, or a glass of wine, or just a shot.
    because I would be sorry that you felt like that and I don't like making fun of people.
    from when I was a kid: Harry Potter, the Hobbit, To Kill a Mockingbird, series by Tamora Pierce, Treasure Island... Now that I'm older: novels by Jane Austen, In the land of invented languages, great expectations, various plays. Right now I'm reading short stories by James Salter. um... no comment on that last bit >_<;;
    So what are some of your favorites? What do you mean by fun fact book?
    Can't remember how many I've tried :D probably not many though, I am a lightweight.
    bored loser does sound funny, but at the same time... I would feel bad for laughing.
    My reading material: anything and everything. Fiction as long as it's not too trite or heavy handed, non fiction as long as it's not too dry. But I like books like romance on tape so I can leave my hands free... kidding :P
    I do like varieties. there is a bar near my apartment called 99 bottles, where they serve (surprise!) 99 different varieties of beer from around the world.
    just noticed what your bio on here says. 'bored loser'? really?
    Yes, I just feel like I would have so much in common with him, especially in our taste of reading material :D
    Really? What kinds have you had? Most beers taste different to me. I like dark ones better, some of my favorites are Old Rasputin, Moose Drool and Dogfish head (palo santa marron).
    eh, I don't know? you tell me >: D
    I do like the way naruto has matured too. I like kakashi because he is just so cool and mysterious! he reads naughty books too :3 so he was my first crush in a manga.
    Red of course! do you have a preference?
    love letters intercepted... like between your friend's mom and the poolboy o_O something you could use as blackmail. (I really like imagining soap opera type stories even if actual soaps are boring)
    My patience, which I once thought infinite for a man like Kakashi, iis wearing thin. I'm curious, why is your favorite character Naruto?
    It is really funny. http://www.mangafox.com/manga/rock_lee/
    Thanks for the song :) And well... I am drinking a glass of wine and I just listened to that song you linked (very nice btw) so.... wooo! i a poke you!
    oh yeah, I will FR you if I haven't already.
    Not good at all, I've heard. maybe just the fumes are enough to get a buzz, then one could actually get down to drinking the stuff. worse than straight vodka, gin and rum mixed together! So... don't tell me you don't do anything scandalous. No late night dance parties? No love letters intercepted?
    My favorite is Kakashi. still waiting for him to go on that rampage promised about 20 chapters ago! have you ever read the Rock Lee spin off manga?
    yes, play it... :D for all you know I am a master of drunken kung fu and mariachi music would drive me into a frenzy!
    Yes, I'm there as ezh. I forgot to mention among my other illicit and immoral activities that I also brew moonshine and go dancing in high heels (scandalous!)
    With Naruto, it just feels like its been dragging on forever, meandering and not focusing on tying off plotlines or at least having exciting pay off for anything that was set up at least 2 months ago. Do you like how it's going now? Has your favorite character shown up within the past four chapters?
    hahaha I've never heard that about mariachi but I'll be careful! or maybe you should be careful not to play it around me... o_O
    LOL, fr accepted :3 Woop a new friend! xD
    Well at the moment, I'm doing some RPing(which is very slow when ur trying to type on a iPod) D<
    Well... sloth, gluttony, envy, lust >_<;;; I'm talking about my favorite FMA characters of course! Are you on MF too by the way? I know someone there who also has '?' as their title.
    I like Dirty Harry and Breaking Bad too. And Eastwood was just awesome in the spaghetti western trilogy.
    I follow Naruto but recently I've been getting a bit bored of it. I've read some of Bleach and OP as well, but not current with either of them. What comedy manga? Oh, and mariachi is cool, but the only time I get to hear it is when I'm driving and listening to spanish radio.
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