League of Legends

Das Gottlos

I bet that Jax is actually a Nyancat :p

brought two of the champ bundles for the hell of it the other day; now I have lots of champs to play with.

Played a basic bot game with Shaco just then. from the start it was a 3 v 5 game, gah... we won after 45 minutes. I ended up going 33/0/17. Not bad for first timing Shaco :p


Roflmao I see what you did there

In other news, Leona is seriously UP

And any champion with a ambiguious gender is definitely female <3
Hmmm... You know, I've heard of LoL and almost tried it once but it got an error or something so I didn't. Is it anything like DotA where you need to spend a lot more time designing your strategy and planning contingencies rather than being able to go in with no plan and win by improvisation?
You don't spend a lot of time on pre-game planning

Alot of it is situational
Okay, I can handle situational things. Maybe I'll try again and see if I had done something wrong last time or if it was because my computer is bad... But tomorrow. I doubt my laptop has enough battery left to last even through the download.


Oh, Ezreal is also female by the way :)

Well, you do have to know how to use the champions and different champion types. And what their skills do so you know what to avoid.

Otherwise, always target the ones who die quickly.

Don't bother learning all of this - you'll instinctively understand through playing.


Dying from moe overdose.

No need to reveal the secret!

*u* What (who) do you usually play as ?

I play as Nocturne, Annie, Wukong or...


Yay for inconsistency.