Madoka!!! (don"t read unless you watched you will be spoilered)

  • Thread starter ♣Kaname Madoka♣
  • Start date
i just saw those episodes yesterday. it's just a "whoa" ending to me. XP

the time traveling reality changing stuff. hm, i guess thats one way to put people together.

makes me think of that wish mi-chan said to me. Mi-chan is so Madoka. *nods*
Wait. I just realized Homerun cant die afterall. I totally forgot that she still is a Puella Magi. She still has her contract with QB, which means he stills has her soul. That mean she can't age or get sick. Problem solved. Homura is invincible :D.
yea, whether its a joke or not, "to remove all glasses girls in the world" Madoka said "remove all witches" so it's similar. and Tsu-tan wishes for you and this and that. Mi-chan is so Madoka. *nods*

♣Kaname Madoka♣

hehe Tsukiko wished for me ^^

that makes me so happy LOL

well orginally I thought you meant when I was sick... because then I always would say... I like to think that the world is balanced... that all saddness is countered by an equal happiness.. its the only thing that helps me push through is to believe that with all my suffering all my pain.. I allow someone somewhere expirence a happiness a gladness equal in strength to my hurt...

I thought you meant that LOL


anyway I'm happy beyond belief now because I have my Tsukiko! and she loves me! and I'm betterish lol ^^

so yea everything became better and maybe that saddness was so that I would be allowed to have this happiness LOL

my real wish

my only wish

is to be with Tsukiko forever... loving her forever... supporting her forever... shes my only dream, my only hope, my only goal, she is and always has been the things I longed for most!

I love Tsukiko more then life its self!

sorry love rant there ^^


Active Member
I watched the ending. I think Homura becomes a witch in the end and unite with everyone, because remember the end screen with everyone standing? Yeah, that's where all witches go to.

♣Kaname Madoka♣

you obvisously didn't watch the ending xD

Madoka made it so that no witches exist xDDDD


Active Member
I did watch it. However, Homura is still a Puellae Magi and then she can fly with her big wings. Her wings look like witch's wings to me. >_____>